There are many remedies for cold sores. While some are helpful in relieving the pain, most commercial products are not designed to heal your sore. This article will show you that natural home remedies for cold sores will often work better and more quickly. This is not an opinion, but a well-proven fact.


Here are some top cold sore remedies that I want you to know about. People find that using them together will result in a faster and better response. Many people love mint tea as a cold sore treatment. It provides immediate comfort and quick healing. Place the warm, wet mint tea bags on the wound.

One of these sores can be healed in days by the antiviral properties of the mint. The warmth brings comfort and more healing blood to the scene. Mint tea is a delicious and effective internal remedy. Any tea that has mint as one ingredient will work, but more mint is better.


Honey is one of the oldest remedies, and was actually used in Roman times. It still works well today. It is a powerful remedy for sores that can be prevented or treated. Apply honey directly to the sore after it has opened. It can be used as a wound dressing and has strong healing properties.

If you can, get raw honey from a health food store. This honey still contains beneficial enzymes and bacteria which is a great benefit for these outbreaks as well as your health. Tea tree oil is a common cold sore treatment. It is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. It is available in small bottles at most vitamin shops. It is a light oil which penetrates the skin to get to the root of the infection. It is best to use it from the beginning until the end of your infection.

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Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil helps to keep the area clean and reduces the risk of spreading the virus. It is especially helpful in keeping the scab flexible. This prevents painful cracking, and reduces the healing time. Zinc is a vital mineral that you should use. This mineral is important for healing and immunity. It doesn’t take much. For best results, you only need to take 15-25 mg per day. Be careful not to take too much.

Zinc lozenges can be used to treat head colds. These lozenges are also used for treating lip sores. These lozenges are very effective in absorbing zinc into your mouth. You can also apply it directly to the sore by rubbing a damp one on the area. You can also buy zinc-containing salves as cold sore remedies. Don’t be deceived. Many do not have this high absorption form, so they won’t give you the same results. Your body will be more resistant to viruses if it is alkaline. Calcium is the main mineral that keeps your body alkaline. 800 mg should be your daily minimum intake.


You should look for a supplement that provides at least 800 mg daily. To get the required calcium levels, you may need to take an additional calcium supplement. These are just a few of the cold sore remedies we have found to be effective. You may need to know more advanced treatments, but these are great starting points. As you can see, natural cold sore treatments are simple and inexpensive. Save your money. These home remedies are great for treating cold sores.

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