These simple remedies can be used to alleviate some of the daily annoyances and offer a holistic solution to small health issues. Acne refers to a chronic skin condition that causes blackheads and pustules to appear on the skin’s surface and other parts of your body, such as the chest and back. It is caused by a malfunction in the sebaceous cells.


These glands normally produce sebum which keeps the skin soft, supple, and elastic. Blackheads are formed when the sebum becomes clogged. The spot may become reddening or inflamed if the base of the blocked gland becomes infection. Acne is common in puberty due to hormonal changes. If acne is left untreated, it can cause scarring and pockmarks. Traditional acne treatments use a combination of herbs in a facial steam.

One of these remedies is a mixture from chickweed, elderflower, and marigold. They are used in equal amounts. Agrimony, which is applied externally, is also believed to be curative. You can also apply sulphur ointment to the area. There are many abrasive products available to remove blackheads. However, an old trick is to apply a watchkey over the infected blackhead and press down.

Did you know?

Although many people still try to remove their blackheads, it’s best not to do so. This actually makes it worse. Although experts believe that diet is a factor in acne development, there is not enough evidence to support this. Aperients are generally recommended. Mixing two ounces each of clover flowers, nettle tops, and comfrey flowers in four cups of boiling water is another way to cure acne.

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Allow the mixture to simmer for two more minutes. Every three hours, a wineglass of the mixture should be taken. Adenoids are the fleshy, back-of-the-nose growths. A common home remedy for adenoids that have become inflamed is to make a salt-water solution and then sniff the nose. This could be uncomfortable.

Gargle the water with a teaspoonful of salt and warm water. This solution can also be used to soothe sore throats. Everyone feels a little anxious about things from time to time. Although this is normal, if anxiety builds up slowly, it can cause serious health problems. Many herbs have a calming effect on nerves. These herbs include chamomile and balm, cloves and catnip, as well as hops, lavender, lime flowers, and passa flora.


Anorexia simply means a loss of appetite. Mixing a few hops and caraway seeds in a drink is one of the most common treatments for anorexia. This is particularly recommended for those who experience a loss of appetite after a serious debilitating condition. Angelica, barley and carrots are also good options as they can stimulate appetite. Chamomile, thyme and lavender are herbs that encourage eating and are considered appetite stimulants. Horseradish is also an appetite stimulant.


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