A virus such as the common cold, flu, or Epstein Barr can cause sore throats. Sometimes, it may be caused by bacteria such as strep and mycoplasma. Recurrently painful throats are more likely to be caused due to allergy, acid reflux, overuse, sinusitis, or an underlying chronic condition.


The typical symptoms of a sore throat include pain, inflammation, and sometimes hoarseness. To treat this condition, most doctors will recommend that you rest, take painkillers, and drink plenty of fluids. If the doctor suspects that there is a bacterial problem, antibiotics may be prescribed.

There are many natural remedies you can use at home to treat this condition.

Natural Remedies

  • Gargle with one quarter teaspoon of salt and one quarter cup warm water to cleanse the throat. To help soothe the nerves of your throat, add a pinch of cayenne pepper. Gargle every hour, or as often as you need.
  • In 1/3 cup of hot water, mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon honey (preferably Manuka honey). As much as you like, sip slowly.
  • Add a teaspoonful of turmeric to a teaspoon honey, and then slowly sip.
  • To make a hot lemon tea, simply add half of the lemon juice to a cup hot water. Add some grated ginger and garlic to give it a kick.
  • If your throat is so severe that it is difficult to swallow, you can place an ice cube in your mouth and allow it to melt. This will temporarily numb the pain and keep you hydrated.
  • To ease discomfort and increase circulation, place a heated wheat bag (or hot water bottle) over your neck and throat.
  • If you have symptoms such as a runny nose or congestion, aromatherapy oils such as tea tree, lavender and eucalyptus can be helpful. These oils can be inhaled by adding them to hot water or to a bath or humidifier.
  • Garlic is a well-known anti-microbial and often recommended as a treatment for sore throats. I advise my patients to consume at least one clove of garlic per day, preferably raw or in soups, teas, or dressings.
  • Chicken soup is a well-known sore throat treatment that can be used to relieve congestion and discomfort. Scientists have shown that chicken soup is high in cysteine, an amino acid that helps thin the mucous membrane and expel it from your body. Make sure to find your grandmother’s old recipe and cook it up.
  • Vitamin C is a popular treatment for sore throats. Many homes have some vitamin C in their cupboards. To strengthen your immunity, take at least 3-5 grams per day.
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