睾丸激素促进剂的市场继续增长。 在市场上的众多产品中很难做出选择。但阅读网上的评论和论坛,我们可以看到,现在许多男人都选择Adamour。

睾丸激素水平低下会影响许多男性。尽管年龄可能是一个因素,但年轻男子也可能遇到这个问题。 这些症状会对你的日子、你与他人的关系以及你的运动能力产生严重影响。重要的是要了解病因,并找到可以帮助的天然补充剂。


睾酮是一种性激素,属于雄性激素组。 它主要在男性的睾丸中产生。 它也由女性的卵巢产生,数量较少。这种激素在决定妇女的性欲方面也发挥着作用。 这种激素也由男性和女性的肾上腺产生,尽管程度较轻。


  • 深沉的声音的发展
  • 肌肉的发展
  • 面部毛发和体毛的外观
  • 精子生产
  • 保持骨骼强度和健康。


男性的性欲和性能力也受到睾酮的影响。 睾丸激素水平低会导致你的生活质量下降。因此,首先让我们谈谈睾丸激素在你体内的重要性。


睾丸激素缺乏最常见的表现是疲劳感增加和性欲下降。 无法解释的、长时间的性欲缺乏。 如果出现上述任何迹象,就有可能出现睾丸激素缺乏症。

  • 高潮强度下降
  • 生殖器的感觉下降。
  • 无法实现或维持勃起
  • 情绪低落
  • 专注力困难

睾丸激素在男性的青春期和青年期是最高的。 30岁以后每年大约减少1%。 大多数男性也注意到他们的性反应在60至65岁之间发生了变化。

另外,糖尿病患者患睾丸激素缺乏症的风险更大。 遗传问题、医疗状况或伤害(创伤、手术等)都可能导致睾丸激素分泌减少。 男性也会出现睾丸激素分泌减少的情况。





在此查看更多信息。 阿达莫尔.


  • 天然成分和快速行动
  • 更好的勃起
  • 交往更有乐趣
  • 使用起来很简单


  • 只在少数网站上提供
  • 必须每天服用



  • 勃起的质量和数量增加
  • 性欲增强
  • 勃起时间更长
  • 更强烈的高潮
  • 对与你同床共枕的人更满意








  • 消除在泌尿生殖系统中发展的炎症过程。
  • 使腹股沟区的血液循环正常化。
  • 防止前列腺腺瘤的发展。
  • 净化血液中的毒素。
  • 有助于勃起的出现,通过接近来保持勃起。


阿达莫尔效力的药物不会引起副作用,包括心血管系统出现问题。这是在药店出售的这些类似物的手段的根本区别 - 他们包含人工物质,危险的并发症。






  • 勃起无力
  • 短暂的性接触
  • 躺在床上无力
  • 过早射精
  • 弱精子症
  • 少量的精液
  • 没有大的性成员尺寸

How does testosterone level affect acne?

Testosterone can be a significant reason for the onset of acne, mainly found in sports people that are using drugs to boost their performances. A severe assortment of acne that nearly always affects men is acne fulminansis and this is often caused with testosterone.

The symptoms are especially bad scarring, falling and rising fever, painful joints, and a dip in appetite leading to weight loss, all of which look fairly fast.


Testosterone comes from cholesterol and was first isolated in a bull in 1935. It's created by the testes in men, and in women it is found in lesser amounts in the placenta and in cells of the uterus. Testosterone is attained varied success with erectile dysfunction, infertility, bone marrow stimulation, and osteoporosis.

What are the effects of testosterone deficiency in men?

Testosterone deficiency is one of those undiagnosed causes of depression in men. Testosterone is known as the'male' hormone, the hormone which provides assertiveness, sex drive, and physical and mental energy. Additionally, it helps maintain bone and muscle development.

What are testosterone deficiency symptoms?

Testosterone deficiency symptoms include increased body fat (obesity), decreased muscle mass and strength, erectile dysfunction and reduced sex drive. Another significant indication of this hormone deficiency consists of psychological changes including depression, fatigue, reduced assertiveness, bad memory and reduced self-esteem.

What is a cause of depression in men?

Recent scientific studies show that men with depression are almost 3 times more likely to have low testosterone levels than men without depression. Furthermore, aging men with low testosterone levels are five times more likely to have symptoms of depression than men with normal testosterone.

How to know if you have a testosterone deficiency?

This questionnaire can be utilized as a screening tool to get a testosterone deficiency.

  • Have you got a lack of energy?
  • Do you have a decrease in endurance, strength, or both?
  • Have you got loss in height?
  • Have you noticed a reduction in pleasure in life?
  • Are you sad, grumpy, and/or irritable?
  • Have you noticed a recent deterioration in your ability to play sports?
  • Are you falling asleep after dinner?
  • Has there been a recent deterioration in your work performance?
  • Do you have a decrease in libido?
  • Are your erections less strong?

If you answer yes to more than half of those questions, then it might indicate that your testosterone levels are reduced.

Is normal that you produce less testosterone when aging?

As men go through the natural aging process they undergo a reduction in testosterone at a rate of ten per cent, per decade from age thirty. It's been proven that thirty percent of men after age fifty-five have a testosterone deficiency.

Because these hormone levels decline with age, it's often misinterpreted that the indicators of a testosterone deficiency i.e."depression, muscle loss, memory loss, lower libido", are only a normal part of the aging procedure. And though it's a component of the aging process, you just don't have to put up with all the associated negative feelings and physical symptoms. A testosterone deficiency is readily treated with testosterone drugs. Injections, pellets and lotions are available by prescription.

How is testosterone linked to your overall health?

Testosterone, the male sex hormone, has a profound effect on overall health. It can be found in high quantities or in low amounts. Hormonal imbalances can lead to various diseases, from the heart to the lungs. How does it affect the heart? Low testosterone levels or higher than normal are major causes of many heart problems.

What is androgen therapy and testosterone therapy?

Androgen therapy reduces good cholesterol and increases low-density or bad lipid. This increases the body's triglycerides. The abdominal area is more fat-laden than the lower portions, which can pose a serious cardiovascular risk.

Testosterone therapy can cause weight gain, which lowers insulin sensitivity. This increases the likelihood of developing Type II diabetes.

Is good to have a high testosterone level?

A high testosterone level in men can lower the risk of developing heart disease. There is a clear link between strokes and cardiac arrest when androgen levels are abused. When combined with high blood pressure and smoking, androgen therapy can pose a serious risk to a person's health.

Does testosterone lower your risk of cardiovascular disease?

A new studyshows that testosterone lowers a man's risk of developing cardiovascular disease. A testosterone deficiency, which is common in men as they age, is associated with decreased libido and a variety of medical problems, including an increased risk of developing heart disease, stroke, or diabetes.


Although some doctors are reluctant to prescribe testosterone for conditions that are not related to sexual function, more research is showing that testosterone plays a wider therapeutic role than just improving sexual desire and erectile functions.

The study included 122 testosterone-deficient men, ages 36 to 69 years (mean age: 59.5). The results showed that testosterone levels were restored to normal levels, which led to significant and progressive improvements in many aspects of the metabolic syndrome over the two-year treatment. Over the entire study period, men's weight, waistline, and body mass index (a measure for body fat) declined. Other metabolic risk factors were also significantly reduced during the first year after testosterone treatment. The authors reported that 36 (77%) of 47 men who met the criteria for diagnosis of metabolic syndrome at the start of the study were no longer diagnosed after two years of treatment.

