Infertility refers to inability to conceive after 12 consecutive months of unprotected sexual interaction. It affects over 5 million couples in the U.S. alone, and many more worldwide. Because of ignorance of treatments, only 10% seeks out professional help. Infertility in a couple can be more than 40% due to male inability of fertilizing. After a couple or patient has been seen, a diagnosis is made using an analytics approach. Conventional diagnosis has a lower success rate than the other methods. However, its main purpose is to identify the causes of infertility.

Take Note

  • We will attempt to provide an alphabetical list of the types of male diagnosis.
  • Any miscarriage, pregnancies or abortions.
  • Are you currently on HRT.
  • Any chronic pain in the reproductive system, including STD.
  • Your sexual organs may be affected by medication.

After taking the sample, your fertility specialist examines the acrosome reaction to your sperms. This will show how your sperm penetrates the female egg and how the enzymes (acrosome then the acrosin) in sperm get through the eggs’ tough coating. An antisperm antibody test is a test that looks for abnormalities in immune system antibodies that are fighting against male sperm in blood, vaginal liquids, or semen. The test will determine if the sperm has been affected by the immune system proteins or not by adding a substance to the sample sperm.

Chemical substances

The study of chemical substances and vital processes that occur in male testicle includes the concentration of white blood cells, the amount of fructose, the volume, pH and liquefaction times of the ejaculate. To show how the sperm quality and quantity, shape, and movement are displayed, the sample of sperm is sent to the computer pre-store program. Any small change in the computer’s sperm calculation could cause a significant difference, so any abnormal sperm count should always be confirmed by manual counting. Hemizona is an analysis that compares sample sperm from the male to fertilized male sperm. This is done by splitting the mature and unfertilized eggs into two halves. Half of the sample sperm is used to test and half are fertilized male sperm.

Hormonal evaluation is a test that measures the levels of hormones in your body, such as FSH and testosterone. This is directly related to sperm production. If the semen of your sperm analysis shows low density, or if your specialist suspects that there is a hormone imbalance, the test will be used. These tests allow you to see how the sperm binds to the egg’s outer layer, including the hemizona test. Only healthy sperm will react to this situation. Pene trak is a test that measures the movement of sperm through normal and friendly mucus in a test tube for 90 minutes. It is used to test for infection by separating the immature sperm from the white blood cells. It’s a test that determines how friendly the cervix’s mucus is to sperm invasion. This is done a few days before and following ovulation.

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Sperm Ubiquitin

The Sperm-Ubiquitin Tag immunoassay ignores all other sperm attributes and focuses only on sperm’s ubiquitin. This is because ubiquitin can be used to identify any sperm abnormalities, including sperm defect and damage. It also reduces the need for unnecessary treatments. The first test for male infertility is the semen analysis. It measures the amount of semen produced by a man and determines the quality and quantity of sperm, such as size and shape. The sample’s PH level. Single tail with an intact midsection and uncoiled ovaries. Head of sperm if the ovary head is not enlarged or reduced. Broken, bent, or coil tails, and any other than a single tail.

White blood cells and white generation cells have very similar structure and apprance. It is up to the specialist as to determine if the present is from immature gen cell and not white blood cells. This is to compare the percentage of dead and live sperm. It is used to ensure that infertility is not due to retrograde rejaculation or the infection of the urinary tract. Scotal sonography can be used to assess the testicle condition and surrounding organs, including epididymis, prostate gland, and any testicle abnormality. A small amount of the sample is taken to determine if normal cells production can be achieved by sperm-producing cells. If the male infertility patient is found to not have normal levels of hormone, sperm in semen, or abnormal sperm, this test is required. Testicle damage may be possible due to the risk of the test. Vasography is a radiographic examination of the vas ferens. It can be used to determine if the vas ferens has been blocked and the cause.


Did you know that cholesterol-lowering men in Australia and Europe have been shown to have a reduced ability to have normal sexual performance, libido, and a greater sexual desire? It is generally accepted that maintaining a low cholesterol level is the best way to ensure good health. Your doctor, as well as most pharmaceutical drug companies, will tell you that your cholesterol should be lower. They recommend lower cholesterol levels every year. It is a fact that cholesterol is essential for good health.

Cholesterol is the base of all hormones, including your sex hormones estrogen and testosterone. Prescription drugs can prevent you from making cholesterol. You can’t make the all-important’manhormone’ testosterone without cholesterol. Without testosterone, you won’t feel anything in the bedroom, or anywhere else. Many medications can interfere with your sexual function and prevent you from performing like a man. Perform’-as in perform with your’manly’ body. The powerful vaso-‘constrictors of cold and flu medications, such as pseudoephedrine and diphenhydramine, are strong. You heard it right. They can restrict your movement. We all know how tight underwear can make you feel.

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This is worse

This can affect the sensitive nerves, veins, and skin around your ‘didgeridoo. Your penis is the most important mark of a man. This is especially true if you have taken these drugs while sexually active. It can permanently alter the health flow of blood in your penile blood vessels. Yes! You are a wimp! Flip, flip, flip, flip & flop. Stop fantasizing about being a Nelson Column in central London. Pseudephedrine is so effective in stopping erections, it is also used medically to treat priapism. This is a condition that causes painful hard-ons with or without sexual stimulation and refuses to go away. Before we rush to eat tons of meat and eggs, let’s take a look at some foods we feel more comfortable eating to improve our sexual health. A healthy lifestyle that includes active sex is vital for a man’s well-being. The foods we eat can also play a significant role in our mood.

These foods will increase your testosterone and lower cholesterol.

Proper Nutrition

  • Pumpkin seeds are one of few foods that contains zinc, which is essential for men’s testosterone production. A woman can lose her sexual drive if she has a low level of zinc. These delicious seeds are also rich in omega-3 fatty acid, which is vital for overall sexual health. You can have a few pumpkin seeds every day.
  • These tiny red berries can be used for many purposes. Goji berries are a strong sexual tonic in Asia. They stimulate libido in both men as well as women by increasing testosterone levels. They also improve mood, stamina, and well-being, which are all vital to a successful sex life. They are also good for your eyesight.
  • Maca is one the newest ‘superfoods’. It can improve performance and relieve impotency. It increases testosterone levels and sperm count in men. It makes people want sex more often, especially women. They’re pretty clear. Bananas boost male libido.
  • Bromelain, an enzyme found in bananas, is essential for sexual health. They are also rich in B vitamins, which can increase energy levels and sex hormones. This powerful stimulator increases the level of androsterone, a male perspiration stimulant that is odorless. Avocados can increase both male and feminine libido. They also contain high levels of Folic acid, which gives the body sexual energy.
  • Vitamin B6, which is a powerful hormone regulator, is also found in avocado. Bee pollen can increase sperm count. It is made up of millions of tiny particles of a substance that resembles semen. The role of pollen in nature is to fertilize.
  • Asparagus is high in vitamin E which is vital for good sex. It can make your pee smell funny.
  • Capsaicin is the substance that gives chillies heat. It releases endorphins, and other “feel good”, hormones necessary to live a spicy sex lifestyle.
  • Basil improves circulation, stimulates sex drive, and boosts fertility. This delicious herb creates a feeling of well-being that allows you to experience sexual bliss, happiness, and joy.
  • Amino acids are essential for increasing libido, and boosting sexual stamina. Figs are high in these amino acids.
  • Allicin is a high-quality ingredient in garlic, which can increase blood flow to the sexual organs. Essential for healthy erections.
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You will love the side effects of incorporating these foods into your daily diet. To all the men out there who want to be real men, crack open an eggs and eat a delicious steak. They make you less of an individual. Remember that drugs are not the only solution to your problem.


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