The number one goal for migraine sufferers is to manage their overwhelming pain. Even if the headache is minor, it can make it difficult to concentrate, make decisions and study at school, work, or sleep. An individual will have difficulty functioning at any level if they have a migraine headache. Most people seek refuge in a dark and quiet room at this stage.

Chiropractic Care

Although conventional medicine is important in managing migraines, chiropractic care has been shown to not only prevent but also reduce the symptoms. Before we can discuss how chiropractic care can help someone suffering from migraines, it is important that you understand what these headaches are.

These headaches are common but not common. While each person is different, the symptoms are universal. There are two main types: migraines with aura and those without aura. These are the most common, but there are many other types.


The symptoms will help determine the type of headache. No matter what type of headache you have, the symptoms include pain on one side of your head, hypersensitivity, light, sound, and smell, depression, nausea, vomiting, sleep disturbances and visual problems. There are two main types, but there are many others.

  • Migraines with Aura: This is a neurological phenomenon in which a person sees wavy lines that look like a mirage of water in a middle of a dessert. This causes vision to become blurred in the central portion of the eye, but the peripheral vision is not affected. If visual disturbances are not present, symptoms include changes in language or speech, vertigo, dizziness, vertigo, vertigo, dizziness, and tingling/numbness in the face, tongue and arms. These symptoms usually appear between 15-30 minutes before a migraine headache begins.
  • Migraines without aura – This is the most common type of migraine. This is when pain develops on both the sides of your head. Light sensitivity, nausea, vomiting, and/or light sensitivity are some of the common symptoms. This type of migraine is different from those with aura. It causes fatigue and mood changes the next day. This is a type that children can experience, even though the name may sound strange. The symptoms include vomiting, abdominal pain, and pale or flushed skin. This type of headache can last for up to four days. Children often experience migraines without aura.
  • Headache-Free Migraine: In this situation, the person would feel the wavy lines and blocked-out center vision of aura, but not have any other symptoms like pain or migraines.
  • Ophthalmoplegic migraine – This would be characterized by severe headaches and vomiting that start in the left side of the eye. As time passes, the nerves that allow for eye movement become paralyzed, causing the left side of the eye to droop.
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Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine is gaining popularity and a lot of attention. Chiropractic care is an alternative to prescription medication side effects and limited relief. It can be natural to get rid of pain and other symptoms. Chiropractic care can also be used to prevent headaches from arising. A chiropractor will first gather information about the patient and their family regarding headaches, health issues, and prescription medications.

A chiropractor will advise patients to avoid known triggers like eyestrain, strong smells, bright lights, changes of sleep patterns, caffeine, alcohol and certain foods. A chiropractor would make recommendations specific to lifestyle choices when treating migraines. A person would be advised to get enough sleep, exercise every day, avoid alcohol, tobacco products, and use illicit drugs. These are all things that can help someone suffering from migraines take control.



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