
On parle de mycose lorsqu'un champignon infecte un tissu vivant. Les mycoses sont causées par des levures ou des moisissures. Par le biais de la circulation sanguine, elles peuvent affecter la peau ou les ongles des orteils ainsi que divers organes. Le champignon qui affecte la zone touchée peut être inoffensif ou facile à traiter, ou même mettre la vie en danger.Qu'est-ce que la teigne ? La teigne est une...
Ringworm is a common skin condition that affects all ages. Ringworm is more common in children than in adults, but can also occur in older people. Ringworm is contagious, it is a fact. Ringworm home treatment has become more popular because of this fact. Ringworm is a common skin...
Are you looking for a home remedy for ringworm Many people are affected by this common fungal disease and have tried many different remedies to relieve itching. These could include vegetable extracts, oil, or chemicals that aren’t meant to be applied on the skin like nail polish and bleach.Home...
Ringworm can be difficult to treat, especially if it affects the fingernails, toenails and scalp. Ringworm is caused dermatophytes (microorganisms) They thrive in moist, warm environments. Ringworm can be itchy and can affect self-esteem, especially in severe cases.Ringworm It is something I don't like. It was something I experienced on...