How simple it is to make a difference in your life. My older sister was four years old, and I was two and a half years at the time. As he was leaving our house, he passed me and said: “There’s nothing wrong.” The doctor had made several house calls for her before. My sister was sick every other week with headaches and fever.

Let’s understand it

Her health was very important to my parents. She received lots of attention from them. She was suffering from mysterious headaches and child fever. Sh was a very gentle and sweet indoors child. I was a more in tune with nature and loved the outdoors. My daily agenda was to get outside and play with any animal that I encountered. You name it, the bugs, lizards and birds, as well as caterpillars, caterpillars, and worms.

This kept me happy and entertained me. Indoors was more troublesome for me. I found outdoor activities safer. I was known as the “strong-energy child”. I was a strong, sexy tomboy with a positive attitude. Japanese culture is a standard. Also, “disease is a result of the mind.” We make ourselves sick” was a Japanese culture mind set that I grew up with. It was my sister’s choice that I would suffer from this condition of constant fever and headaches.

Mysterious fever

I didn’t know the exact size, color, or shape of this mysterious “fever” and headaches, but I knew it would be bad and I would have a hard time sleeping, just like my sister. I clearly remember the moment I decided to stop having a fever or headaches. That moment changed the course of my life. My sister told me that my father was the one who had neglected to pay attention to me when I was a child.

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It was quite surprising to hear her say this. It worked out for us both, even though my sister didn’t know. I was able to play outside, and I did things that my parents would not approve of. I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything, especially considering that headaches and fever relief are so valuable to many who suffer from it.


My sister is very special to me for that experience. My sister was very sick and had to be dropped from kindergarten. You might be curious about my sister’s health. She has had two healthy children and never suffered from any illness. Only headaches and psychosomatic fever. This simple life experience was enough to transform my decision-making ability for the rest of my life. Now you know how to prevent headaches and psychosomatic fever.

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