
  • 大栄養素:エネルギーや体の機能に必要なタンパク質、炭水化物、脂質。
  • 微量栄養素:ビタミン、ミネラル、微量元素。







食事で足りない場合は、マルチビタミンの摂取も選択肢の一つです。 健康な成人は、バランスの取れた様々な食事をする必要があります。しかし、マルチビタミンは、過剰に使用しなければ、ある程度の効果が期待できます。




多くの製品を徹底的に研究し、テストした結果、ファイロン・イミューン・フォルテは私たちのファーストチョイスとなりました。必須ビタミンとミネラルが含まれています。 はフィラーを含まず、第三者によって独自に検証されたものです。 ボトルへのダメージを防ぐため、完全にまたは部分的に日光を遮断しています。





購入はこちらから フィロン・イミューン・フォルテ



  • ビタミンB群。
  • ビタミンA、C、D、E、K。
  • カルシウム
  • マグネシウム
  • セレン
  • 亜鉛
  • マンガン
  • クローム
  • モリブデン







Fyron Immunについては、まだウェブ上ではあまり知られていません。というのも、製品が製造されているのはドイツであり、すでに数年前から大きな成功を収めているからです。




  • 疲労感や倦怠感の軽減
  • 認知機能向上、集中力向上
  • 免疫力強化
  • 多くの身体機能を制御する
  • 赤血球の形成に役立つ
  • 心身の健康が増進する
  • 冬季うつ病への対策
  • 骨、髪、爪、皮膚の保護
  • 視力の向上

How to take Fyron Multivitamin?






Why is important to keep a heanlthy immune system?

Somewhere within our body, there's a microorganism waiting to wreak havoc, or a cancer cell waiting to replicate. Viruses and bacteria are hard us by the minute, so the proteins, organs, tissues, and cells that make up our immune system are continuously working to protect us.

What is the immune system's primery job?

The immune system's primary job is to correctly identify the body's enemies and basically ruin them, but in order for it to occur most efficiently, we have to protect and defend our immune system.

However, for the past hundred years or so, we've focused on the offense rather than the defense.

What causes a compromised immune system?

The principal cause of a compromised immune system is a poor diet that's often laden with sugar, processed foods, too much alcohol or caffeine. When we eat too much sugar, by way of example, we've got excessive insulin, and less growth hormone.

Additionally, simply to metabolize these sugars, we have to use the minerals and vitamins we have in storage, further depleting the body of what it needs. This puts us at risk for infections, autoimmune diseases, and obesity.


What are the foods that boost the immune system?

The foods that boost the immune system include anti-inflammatory foods such as fresh fish, seeds, nuts, fruits, and veggies. These foods replenish the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that help protect us from outside invaders. They block the chemical reactions that produce free radicals and neutralize them, protecting the body at its deepest level.  For severely compromised immune systems, supplementation may be required.

What are herbs that boost your immune system?

Astragulus root and Echinacea are also immune system-boosting herbs which could be very effective. Japanese Mushrooms also have exceptionally significant anti fungal, anti-viral, and immune system benefits. They increase resistance to several kinds of stress in addition to longevity. Some doctors urge their patients use these mushrooms if colds or viruses often trouble them.

Why to consume more probiotics for your health?

Probiotics, or friendly gut bacteria are the ideal immune system increase as they help defend the body from all types of foreign substances. Maintaining that optimum balance of excellent flora will add an additional layer of protection starting with the digestive tract.

Foods such as yogurt, kephir, or other fermented foods contain these healthful bacteria, although supplements are sometimes more valuable since they're usually more concentrated.

Why is to important to drink lots of water?

Drinking lots of fresh water to keep impurities flowing throughout your system is always in sequence as chronic dehydration sets the stage for several illnesses like arthritis, asthma, and hypertension. Water also aids in weight loss as it helps keep the stomach feeling full when containing no calories.

Can stress affect your immune system?

Stress may also change the immune system reaction quite rapidly. When we are always in "fight or flight" mode, it seriously disturbs us as it attracts inflammation.

Several studies have concluded that meditation enhances immune system, as does yoga and moderate exercise such as walking, swimming, jogging, or biking.

why is important to sleep well for your immune system?

Adequate sleep can be beneficial as that's when the majority of the repair takes place in the body. People who get less sleep are also more vulnerable to depression and anxiety, which further compromises the immune system.

Why is your immune system so important?

The immune system is the first line of defense against pathogens. Keep it strong by eating the perfect foods and nutritional supplements, getting enough sleep, and learn how to manage stress. In return, you'll be rewarded with more energy, and general wellness.

What are foods that have vitamin c for the immune system?

Grapefruit has 120 percent of the daily vitamin C needs in 1 cup. Kiwi has 20 percent more Vitamin C than an orange. Mushrooms are filled with immune-boosting complex-carbohydrate polysaccharides.

Peaches have Vitamin C, antioxidant beta-carotene and potassium. Strawberries contain the most vitamin C of some of those commonly consumed berries.

Does hydration boost your immune system?

Drink a lot of water. Water dilutes the toxins from the body and helps the body remove them quickly. Water is particularly important when the flu is present. Sweating and or lack of fluid due to getting diarrhea are common with the flu. Replace the fluids that the body has removed by drinking loads of water. Add lemon for an additional boost.

How to help your lymphatic system?

Exercise helps the lymphatic system clear out the entire body of toxins. A swollen lymph gland signals that the body is has toxins which it should dispose of. What should be done if you have the flu.

Rest and drink lots of fluids, especially water. Let the body perspiration, even promote it. The body eliminates toxins through sweat. Make sure the wet clothing and sheets are changed before they dry.

