
Ginseng is really a perennial herb that begins flowering in its fourth calendar year. It grows in the usa, Canada, & the mountainous forests of eastern Asia. The translucent, yellowish dark brown roots are harvested when plant life reach between 3 & 6 years. This herb has been found...
Modern life has many advantages, but there is one major drawback. The problem I am referring to is that our secondary knowledge keeps us from being able be certain about many things. Nietzsche called this "primary knowledge," which is the original type of knowledge. It is the knowledge that...
This week marks the beginning of the new year. With it comes a new resolution. If you want to lose weight, your resolution would be to join a gym and work out vigorously for a week. Do you think such resolutions work? People often make resolutions out of excitement...
In the past, kidney dialysis was the only treatment for advanced kidney disease. This is a tedious and time-consuming procedure that can be very inconvenient. It's encouraging to see that there have been promising reports from leading kidney disease researchers about their success in reverse kidney disease using a...
Penis cancer is a diagnosis that no one wants to hear. The mere thought of cancer can send chills down the spine of a grown-up. Many people ignore warning signs of cancer out of fear. They may be concerned for months before finally seeking medical attention. Do you sound...
Erectile dysfunction is a condition that causes a man to have a problem with his erection. Dr. Oz estimates that 20% of men will have erectile dysfunction by the age 40. This percentage is increasing each year. There are many reasons men may experience this condition. Erectile Dysfunction may...
If you wish you'd a bigger penis you are not alone. In the event that you were to ask a guy whether he wished his male organ were bigger, you will be certain that a lot of them, in fact most of them by a broad margin, will state...
A headache can have a significant impact on your daily life, regardless of how long it lasts. It is possible to provide effective relief for the often debilitating symptoms by learning how to massage. This is an alternative to prescriptive medications that only mask the problem but do not...
Magnesium deficiency is far more common than people realize, and can lead to migraine headaches or high blood pressure. Studies after studies have shown that more than 50% of migraine sufferers have low magnesium levels during attacks. Taking this important mineral immediately can provide relief. Supplementing with magnesium daily...
Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a silent killer. Many people with high blood pressure are unaware of it. Many of these people will die from it because they haven't been checked by a doctor and/or taken their own blood pressure reading. This sad fact is part...