
    What causes a Numb Penis?

    You’re watching a sexy scene and you notice something isn’t right. What could it be? Penis numbness could be the cause. There are many reasons why a man could be the owner of a numb penis. Learn how penis numbness can affect you and how to get him back on track.

    Let’s start

    • Penile Injury – Known also as penile traumas, penis injuries can cause penis numbness. Penile injuries can cause damage to the blood vessels. These blood vessels are vital for a healthy penis as they carry the blood that causes erection. A penis can be damaged by many things, including rough sex, excessive masturbating, excessive use of sexual aids and group sports, as well as a tight grip for self-pleasure.
    • Neuropathy – A numb limb or appendage is a condition called neuropathy. This numb penis can be caused by an illness or condition, but it could also be due to regular pinching of nerves (e.g. in the hip area). Neuropathy has two masks. It can feel like a cold numbness or pins-and needles, while the other time it feels like lightning shooting through the penis. Neuropathy can be caused by medical conditions like diabetes, obesity, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and certain cancers.
    • Peyronie’s Disease – A condition where the penis curves more than 20%, Peyronie’s disease. Peyronie’s is a painful condition that can cause loss of penile sensation in men. Peyronie’s disease can cause scar tissue to be more sensitive than regular tissue. This causes loss of genital sensation.
    • Lifestyle – Although lifestyle is an important part of health, it’s often the most difficult thing to change. If you don’t have healthy habits, diet and exercise should be addressed. Stress can make the problem worse. Make sure you incorporate stress-reduction techniques in your daily life. It has been proven time and again that lifestyle changes can have big effects.

    Penis Power

    How to Regain It! Want a more-sensitive penis? A lot of effort and some help can make a man more sensitive. Here are some ways to bring life back into your man’s bones. If the root cause is the problem, you need to address it. It is important to work with doctors and therapists in order to treat the root disease first, and then the symptoms. The number one priority should always be whole-body health. To give the big man some space, wear looser pants and unlined underwear.

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    Allow the fabric to breathe in its own space every day. Air is good for the penis. More movement is better than sitting for long periods of time. This can cause nerve damage in the pelvic area. To give them some freedom, get up every hour or so. When sexing, don’t do it too often or too hard. Men who ride a bicycle should have a padded seat cover and shorts. This will reduce nerve compression during long rides. Proper penis care can preserve sensation and reduce the chance of penis numbness.

    Penis Pain

    Except for those who have fetishes in the area, no one enjoys feeling pain. Men especially tend to avoid anything that can cause penis pain. Although it is possible to reduce the likelihood of unwelcome penis pain by paying attention to your penis health, there are always exceptions. Accidents involving the penis or a zipper are possible. Some men experience penis pain that is not related to the number of erections they have over the course of the night. Scientists and researchers have recently identified a condition called sleep-related painful erections (or SRPEs).

    A retrospective study was conducted by doctors at a clinic near Amsterdam. It looked at men who had visited the clinic between 1996 and 2015. They were then diagnosed with SRPEs. Men who presented with other conditions that might explain their painful erections were excluded. Peyronie’s Disease, which can cause penis pain during erections in men, and intact men whose penis pain was due to swollen eyes and/or tight foreskin, were excluded from the count. What are the characteristics of SRPEs then? A man was considered to have an SRPE if they had painful erections that woke him up from sleep. However, the erect penis pain should not be limited to the night. A man who has no pain during the day is generally exempted from being classified as having SRPE.

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    The study examined 24 men who met the criteria. The average time it took for the problem to manifest was 2 1/2 years. This suggests that some men are reluctant to admit they have it. This is not uncommon when it comes to issues with penis health. The median number of painful erections per night was 3. The median number of painful erections experienced in a night ranged from 1 to 10, with 45% reporting a erection lasting less than 15 minutes, while only 18% reported a one hour erection.

    Testosterone levels were not higher than normal. Men reported fatigue from poor sleep, penis pain, and fatigue. Doctors are still trying to determine the best treatment for SRPE. There is still much to learn about SRPE. Many men suffering from SRPE report that urinating and walking around after waking up can cause their erections to disappear. A particular muscle relaxer was found to be effective in reducing or eliminating SRPEs in a large number of men. It is important to note that SRPEs can return after stopping treatment.

    Side Effect

    Side effects of the medication may discourage some men to continue using it. Some patients were treated with other medications, with different results. To better understand the treatment options and to learn more about the pros/cons of each, a larger prospective study is necessary. Penis pain can come from many other sources than nocturnal or nighttime erections.


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