The brain stem of the body, located behind our eyes and nose, has an anti-pain system. This area responds to pain signals by producing a neuro-transmitter called serotonin. It causes a relief effect. These signals are not important and serotonin acts like a filter. The lower the chances of getting headaches, the more serotonin you have. The opposite is true. This is what causes headaches.
Headaches Causes
Many headaches are caused by other illnesses, such as disorders in the eyes or nasal cavity. Headaches can also indicate that something is wrong with the brain or other parts of your head. It can also be associated with nausea, vomiting, blurred vision and visual impairment, confusion, and irritability.
Migraine headaches are most common in women and can be recurring. You can have migraine headaches from depression, high blood pressure, pregnancy, or other issues. Other factors include fatigue, lack of sleep and missing meals, allergies, sensitivity or light sensitivity, drug intake, and fatigue. It can last between 4 and 72 hours.
What to do?
It is best to rest in a dark and quiet place if this happens. Massage and hot and cold compresses can help. There are foods that can trigger headaches. Chocolates, MSG, cheeses, flavor enhancers, and caffeine can all trigger headaches.
Headaches can be a serious condition, but can be avoided by taking good care of your health and taking care of yourself. Headaches can be avoided by having a positive outlook, being open-minded, flexible, positive thoughts, and good words.
Healthy Lifestyle
Many stories are about people who have been able to overcome serious illnesses by regular exercise, healthy eating, joining religious communities, volunteering in civic work, maintaining a peaceful mind, helping the poor, and many other things. Meditations and reflections are great ways to relax and allow yourself to be more open to the imperfections of life and prevent migraines.
People who are positive and determined to live a happy, peaceful, and healthy life are happier and more open to others. They are most likely the ones who achieve their goals in a calm and effective manner. After learning the causes of migraine and headaches, one can prevent them from happening.