Sinus headaches are something that almost everyone has experienced. You feel congested and slowed down. You feel pressure in your head, cheeks, in, around, and under your eyes. It can become stuffy and even runny. Is it a sinus headache? Are you sure? It could be a tension headache or a migraine headache. Many people mistake sinus headaches for one of these other types of headaches.

Sinus Headaches

These can be caused by sinusitis. Sinusitis is a condition that causes headaches. Sinus headaches are most common in the morning after waking up. They usually start with pressure in the head and face. The pain can be worse if you lie down or lean over. The headaches can get worse as the sinusitis progresses.

Sinus headaches due to sinusitis can be accompanied by a sore throat and fever, as well as a cough, yellow-green mucous, fatigue, and a sore throat. Sinus headaches can be described as dull, constant aches.

Migraine Headaches

Migraine headaches are often described as throbbing, nauseating pain. Both headaches can make you sensitive to light and sound. Sinusitis can result from bacterial infections, fungal infections and immune deficiencies. It can also be caused by allergies, sinus cavity structure problems, sinusitis, or simple colds. All of these factors can cause changes in pressure in the sinus cavities which can lead to headaches.


Sinusitis is more common in people with weak immune systems, asthma, allergies, or other conditions that affect their respiratory system. Sinusitis can also be caused by people who don’t have any of these conditions. Most people with frequent sinus headaches don’t consult their doctors until the problem becomes severe. You should seek medical attention immediately if you experience severe headaches, such as severe pain, swelling, stiffness, fever, or a stiff neck.

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Most sinusitis and sinus headaches can easily be diagnosed by simply telling your doctor about your symptoms. The doctor may examine your ears, nose, throat, and ears. In some cases, a CT scan may be required or an MRI ordered. A diagnosis may require testing of the nasal mucus. A diagnosis from a healthcare professional is necessary for proper treatment of sinus headaches. Do not assume you will get rid of your sinus headaches.


While the headache may disappear, the sinusitis that caused it may still be present and may worsen over time. To ease the pain from bright light, you should also consider purchasing sunglasses. You can also get special sunglasses for headache sufferers that provide pain relief without the use of drugs. Avoiding sinusitis is key to preventing headaches. Use a humidifier, avoid tobacco smoke, and wash your hands frequently. Sinusitis can often be caused by colds that are not treated promptly. It is important to treat colds immediately. A common misconception about a cold is that it is not serious. However, it can lead to other serious illnesses such as sinusitis, pneumonia, and bronchitis if not treated.


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