What are head lice? Head lice are parasites that feed on scalps and human heads. Head lice have specially designed hooks on their feet that hold onto the host’s head. They usually only have one strand of hair. Head lice are tiny creatures measuring between 2 and 3 mm in size.

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Head lice feed by digging into the scalp daily or whenever they need nutrients. They are six-legged and come in a variety of colors, from light brown to almost black. They are difficult to find in dark hair because of their color.

  • How many eggs can a mature female head lice lay? A mature female louse can lay six eggs per day on average. Head lice can be difficult to eradicate because of this high rate of breeding. Head lice removal is difficult because it requires constant effort and determination to eradicate the parasite.
  • Where did head lice originate? Head lice have been around since prehistoric times, which is a testimony to their survival. Scientists have found that lice can live as long as humans. Scientists have also suggested that lice may have originated from monkeys, and then evolved to rely entirely on humans.
  • How can you get head lice? Direct contact is the most common way to spread head lice. Direct contact could occur by using an infected brush, comb, or wearing a person’s hat. Head lice can spread to the entire household if one person is infected, and then the family member who helps to remove them. Head lice can also be contracted by direct physical contact, such as putting your head on a couch’s headrest that has been used infected. Head lice cannot jump, fly, or hop. Head lice move mainly by crawling, but they will also attach themselves to roots of hair.
  • How can I stop the Head louse from growing? The most important step in getting rid of the infestation is breaking the head louse’s cycle. The life cycle will cause lice numbers to stay steady for a while, which gives you the opportunity to attack. Understanding the life cycle is essential to breaking it. Head lice live for only about 30 days on average. After the head lice have been born, which takes between eight and ten days, they mature in nine to ten working days. After nine to ten days, the louse can lay eggs and increase its population.
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There are three stages of head lice growth: nits (or eggs), Nymph (larva form), then finally, adults. The nymph stage is the most difficult to spot because they are transparent and very small (about the same size as a pinhead). Adult lice can crawl and maneuver quickly, even if they have a cover of hair to hide their face from the light. Head lice can be diagnosed by looking for nits. I have had to deal with head lice before so I decided that I would help others with this common problem. Head lice can be difficult to get rid of, but you can do it with the right knowledge, and a tested, safe method.


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