乌洛托品是一种睾丸激素促进剂,但也是一种治疗勃起功能障碍的产品。 它能促进荷尔蒙的分泌,并能帮助你快速、自然地改善你的性体验。 它可以让荷尔蒙身体的分泌增加,因此,也将有助于男性性生活。 它对患有雄性激素的男性非常好。试试吧。 泌乳素(Urotrin.



如果丈夫失去了有效控制自己性行为的能力,精神崩溃,无法满足妻子,或者无法生育,那么这对夫妇就会面临严重的危险。 Testo Ultra提供了重振婚姻的绝佳机会,让你有一切机会勾引或满足你的妻子。

许多因素可以导致勃起功能障碍。它们在一个年龄段后更常见。 随着我们的年龄增长,我们的睾丸激素分泌减少。 许多研究表明,雄性激素是睾丸激素水平下降的结果。 这些可能导致抑郁症和认知能力下降。

睾丸激素水平可以在男人的生活中以暂时或永久的方式减少。这可能会对他的性能力产生影响。 然后,该男子必须在情况变得复杂和有问题之前做出反应。 泌乳素(Urotrin 将刺激睾丸激素分泌,给你带来能量,并改善勃起。



这种药丸为你提供所有必要的成分,让你感到自信和阳刚。 男人的自信是其阳刚之气的一个关键因素。 这就是为什么阳刚之气和这些伟大的补充剂对性欲是如此重要。


你需要更少的能量来拥有一个伟大的关系。 尽管性欲是由能量推动的,但有时疲劳会使你难以获得美好的时光。这种膳食补充剂将帮助你保持状态,使你能够在整个夜晚以各种形式享受你的伴侣。


在不涉及竞争的情况下,重要的是要记住 泌乳素(Urotrin 让男人在任何情况下都能体验到最大的快乐和感觉。 这种药丸将给你带来一生中最多的高潮。


玛卡。 L-精氨酸,银杏叶,人参,可可,亚硒酸钠,葡萄糖酸锌,叶酸,D-生物素,D-泛酸钙,D-α-维生素E醋酸酯,盐酸吡哆醇,核黄素,单硝酸硫胺,抗坏血酸钙二水合物,烟酰胺,亚硒酸钠,甲基钴胺。


TestoUltra的成分都是经过精心挑选的,以便相互补充。 由于活性成分的作用,你会看到你的男性机体的变化。 男性机体受到活性成分的积极影响。这意味着在治疗的第一天就会出现明显的改善。 强烈的勃起回到他身上,出现了强烈的性欲。 如果你坚持下去,你可以治愈阳痿和前列腺炎。


    • 提高性欲
    • 勃起功能正常化。
    • 为关系重新带来激情
    • 天然和安全的成分
    • 增加睾丸激素的分泌
    • 它们具有快速的刺激作用。
    • 有3-4小时的持续效果
    • 增加全身的张力;减少疲劳
    • 增加性高潮







始终购买原始产品。 泌乳素原液.








厂家建议你每天服用2粒药丸。 你可以一次吃2片,但最好是早上和晚上各吃一片。T服用后30分钟内就能感觉到效果。









When occurs andropause?

Andropause occurs as a result of plummeting levels of testosterone, the dominant male hormone. This hormonal function starts to decline gradually as men age. Just like menopause, when decreasing levels of estrogen (the most dominant female hormone) play havoc on the female body - it can apply to men also.

Because of this condition, symptoms such as the loss of libido, impotence, and depression may present themselves.

What ist testosterone?

What comes to your mind when you consider this word: testosterone? Body builders hugging their 10 pound jars of whey protein before a pose?


Testosterone is much more than defining the notion of an alpha male. This hormone regulates numerous processes in the body apart from sex-related works and muscle building. Blood glucose controlled to normal levels, the regulation of cholesterol, oxygen uptake, enhances the immune system, and helps to create healthy, strong bones. All these are all credited to the work of the one hormone.

What are not so common testosterone benefits?

Testosterone seems to assist in mental concentration, enhances mood and is reported to avoid depression and even Alzheimer's disease. Testosterone is not simply a component found in steroids which pack muscle mass. It's an integral component of the human body that helps shape, construct, and maintain bodily processes.

What are the effects of andropause?

Andropause is responsible for plummeting testosterone levels. Before learning more about testosterone, let us examine how Andropausal men's bodies work and cause this decline. Testosterone is developed from the mind. The pituitary glands in the brain produce a hormone called luteinizing hormone responsible for providing one particular order to the testicles: create testosterone!

What causes testosterone production decline?

Remember, the brain doesn't create Testosterone. It modulates the glands that produce the hormones that send receptor messages directly to the testes. The combination of failing testes and the inability of the pituitary gland to send messages to the testes is the main reason behind testosterone decline.

If the pituitary gland isn't secreting enough of the luteinizing hormone, the testes won't function. Normally, 5 g of testosterone are created daily. The secretion of the hormone is prominent during certain times of the day, most notably in the daytime and sundown.

Why do men produce less seman with age?

Semen is also influenced - less is produced as we age. ¨T¨ hormones work by linking themselves to proteins in the blood. These proteins follow through the bloodstream and reach the very important regions of the body where the endocrine system functions.

A little bit of testosterone doesn't attach themselves to any protein - these are known as free testosterone. This free hormone is the most impactful hormone in your system.

What occour during andropause?

When Andropause comes to fruition, more testosterone attach themselves to proteins, leaving less of the free testosterone available. As you can see, proteins can have a reverse impact on us too! It's a paradox - a hormone working too hard does more harm than good! As men grow older, androgen levels begin to decline. Remember men, estrogen is to girls as androgen is to men.

Where are androgeness produced?

Androgens are produced in the adrenal gland (located above the kidneys) and in the testicles. These hormones are responsible for producing sperm, boosting sex drive, helping with erectile function, and helping determine the sex of an unborn child.

If you are a bodybuilding enthusiast, then please be aware that deficiency of androgen will affect your muscle construct, causing decreased muscle mass and loss of strength. No quantity of whey protein, creatine, or glutamine can cure this issue. Rather than building six-pack abs, you'll have increased body fat in the areas you need it least.

How does andropause affects sportly men?

Squats (bodybuilding exercise) and deadlifts (compound exercise that works the back) are almost impossible to do, as Andropause can lead to osteoporosis (loss of bone tissue) and back pain. This should not dissuade you from using a daily exercise regimen, however.

Exercise has been scientifically proven to reduce the effects of testosterone loss and your routine ought to be altered to accommodate this as you get older. With the proper nutrition, including diet and exercise, Andropause can be a comfortable passage.


What does testosterone in your body?

Testosterone is a hormone that builds muscle, increases sex drive, elevates mood, prevents osteoporosis, and increases energy in men. Since the 1980's, testosterone levels in men have been declining.

The testosterone levels of men have been declining since the 1980's. Note: The increase in ovarian cancer victims may be due to an increase in testosterone in women. Testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, plays an important role maintaining bone and muscle mass.

What causes low testosterone?

Low testosterone levels have been linked with health problems such as lowered libido, diabetes, and other issues. The U.S. has seen a dramatic drop in levels of testosterone over the past 20 years. Reports say that more than four million men have low testosterone levels. Around 95% of these men don't seek treatment. Many of them just accept the signs as part of growing older.

Why is there a decline in testosterone in men nowadays?

Because nature recognizes that Man is no longer required to provide for his children and women, and Man chooses to not provide when he can, the world will need to change or "evolve."

As testosterone continues to decline, men will be less strong with each generation. We have become much more stupid when it comes down to the dispensation for humanities survival. This is because most men don't want to be men anymore. Many people have become lazy and rely on technology to survive. They no longer care about their mommy (who was both his mother and the provider of their food).
