Home remedies for blackheads are an option for those who don’t have the luxury of seeing a dermatologist or get facials. Let’s first discuss what blackheads look like. Blackheads, also known as open comedones, are tiny spots on the skin that are about the size of a pinhead. They are caused by small pores. The plugs are clogged with sebum, an oily secretion, dead cells, and keratin.


This debris causes a chemical reaction that results in melanin being oxidized, which forms a blackhead. Contrary to popular belief, the dark color isn’t dirt. The gunk in the hair follicle is given a grey or black color by oxidized melanin, hence the name “blackhead.” Although blackheads are most common on the face, they can also be found on other parts of the body. It is common in adolescence.

However, it can also affect adults and children. Blackhead treatment is a case in point. It is the best home remedy to blackheads. It is important to keep your pores clean and clear since the root cause of the problem is clogged pores. This can be done by good hygiene.

Proper Hygiene

You can clear your pores by using a gentle cleanser and facial scrub. Makeup that is not comedogenic should be used if you use it. This means that the makeup isn’t oil-based and is designed not to clog your pores. There are two products that can be used to treat blackheads.

Benzoylperoxide is antibacterial and helps dry out oily skin cells. Salicylic acid is an exfoliant that removes dead skin cells before they combine with sebum and cause pores to clog. These products can be used together to address the cause of blackheads, which are sebum and dead skin cells.

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Home Remedies

There are even more home remedies for blackheads Although it is not technically one of the home remedies for blackheads but if you visit a dermatologist or a spa, they can perform various treatments to clean and treat your skin. A blackhead remover or comedone extractor is one tool you can use.

This small device is made of metal and has metal loops at both ends. A few blackhead removal tools have a small lance at one end. These tools can be purchased at beauty shops and online stores like Amazon. Many skincare experts advise against using these tools by yourself. You could cause scarring or other damage to your skin if you don’t follow the correct procedures. The same applies to picking and squeezing a blackhead.


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