The question is: Is head lice dangerous? This is a major concern for those who are affected by the condition. However, anyone can get it. According to statistics, most school-going children are affected. Parents of head lice sufferers should be concerned as well. They can’t blame them for worrying too much.

Let’s Understand It

After all, these tiny, live insects have made their home in the head and continue crawling and laying eggs, as well as raising their future generations. Oh! How creepy! Although they are small, head lice can be quite dangerous. They eat human blood and live off the natural warmth of the human skin. They literally suck blood from the scalp.

So Is Head Lice Dangerous? These tiny pests can be found in the head, so don’t panic. Head lice are harmless, even though they can be irritating and embarrassing to the social circle. Although they do eat the blood from the scalp and cause some discomfort, this does not result in any significant loss of vital blood.

A Condition

Head lice is a condition, not a disease. This can make parents and children feel a little more relaxed. Although it is uncomfortable to know that head lice can be blood suckers, they are not dangerous. They won’t cause any additional complications. Head lice are not dangerous, but it is possible to be in close contact with someone with head lice.

These insects, though they cannot fly, can travel very fast between heads if there is direct physical contact. Children often play, love, and fight together, which increases the risk to a great degree. It is best to avoid children coming into contact with someone who has head lice. Although it can be quite cruel at times, there are other options.

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Head lice can be treated quickly so they don’t need to be kept away for too long. Although head lice is not dangerous, there are many treatments available. Many medications use pesticides that are not good for the body. Has anyone ever heard of a pesticide that is skin-friendly or body friendly? Some shampoos are best left alone. These shampoos can have harmful side effects that can take a while to get rid of, even after the head lice has died.


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