What is the best Angular Cheilitis treatment? We need to examine a few facts to help us figure this out. This affliction is not related to flu symptoms or cold symptoms, contrary to popular belief. This misconception is often based on the fact that flu symptoms tend to flare up during cold spells in autumn or winter. This is because antibiotics can’t solve the problem.


This is due to the adaptability of bacteria. Anyone who understands the reason why a cure for the common flu doesn’t exist will tell you. It is impossible to eradicate all bacteria using antibiotics alone. This is similar to trying to eliminate a hundred thousand rapidly growing chameleons from an area of multicolored confetti.

Many will survive and quickly re-multiply to aggressively occupy the area. It’s impossible. That’s how bacteria works. Angular Cheilitis remedies that contain hydrocortisone also fail to work for most people. To find the best Angular Cheilitis treatment, we must first understand why this condition occurs. Fungal bacteria is the main culprit.


This is because of the following two factors: wrinkles, creases, or folds in the corners of our faces, and the moisture that is naturally present in these areas. These creases can result from misaligned dentures or teeth, which causes our mouths to close in such an way that creates these folds.

Or, perhaps we are overweight or have developed these wrinkles with age. Because it is the most important factor, moisture is what allows fungal bacteria thrive. They simply can’t survive in a dry environment. Drying them completely is the best way to get rid of this fungal bacteria.

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The bacteria must be killed to end the condition. It sounds simple, right? How can we do this without causing skin damage? Many people have found herbal home remedies that do this well. These remedies require natural ingredients. Some recipes can be found at home.


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