Hemorrhoids refer to painful, enlarged rectal veins. They are often caused by constipation. It is a painful and embarrassing condition that can be treated with medical treatment or even surgery. It is possible to treat this condition at home with home remedies. There are two types of hemorhoids: the internal and external.


The internal hemorhoid is located in the rectum and is usually painless. The presence of blood coming from the anus is the only way to diagnose it. The external hemorhoid, on the other hand is pushed from the rectum into anus when constipation is present. This type of hemorhoid can be painful and itchy. Worse, hemorhoids can become thrombosed. They are full of clots and form a lump in the anus. You can either seek medical attention to prevent hemorhoids from getting worse or use a hemorhoid home remedy.

Take note

This can help shrink hemorhoids and prevent them from getting thrombosed.

  • Do not sit or stand in one place for too long.
  • Do not spend more time on the toilet than you need.
  • To avoid constipation or diarrhea, eat a high-fiber diet. This can also help to prevent hemorhoids.
  • You can make a hot seat by sitting in a tub of mildly warm water for 20 minutes two times a day until your hemorhoids shrink.
  • Place ice packs in the rectal region and allow it to stay for 20 minutes two times per day. Keep the rectal area clean and free of dirt.

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