Circulatory System

Migraine headaches can be very painful. These headaches were once called "sick headaches" due to the nausea and vomiting often associated with severe headaches. This unbearable pain can last up to three days and is not easily relieved by taking aspirin or stronger over-the counter medications. Migraine sufferers know...
Migraine is a common condition in the United States. It has been estimated that 28 million people suffer from it. According to the World Health Organization, migraine is one of the most severe diseases in the world. It can last for weeks or even days. Both girls and boys...
1:70-80% of all cases are due to a physical cause. As you can see, psychological factors have a direct impact on our physical condition and can make it worse or better. However, there are certain conditions where positive thinking will work. It can be combined with physical treatment to...
Today I know that there surely is this continuous debate that attempts to answer fully the question of if the size of your penis is important. Nicely the simple truth is, it is essential, nearly all women won't admit it with their guy because they don't desire to hurt...
It is important to understand the effects of diabetes on your sex life, both now and in the future. Men can have a long, fulfilling, and healthy sexlife if they manage diabetes well with vitamins, minerals and medications. If blood sugars are high and triglycerides rise, then sexual performance,...
Recurring Yeast Diseases - What Causes Yeast Illnesses to Keep Returning? Yeast infections are a terrible curse that plagues the world. However, there is hope. The successful treatment and cure of the infection should eliminate the pain and end the suffering. But infections can return if they are not...
Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is a common problem that affects many men. There are many causes. These can be caused by a variety of factors including trauma, injury, bad habits, and psychological or physical factors. Some of the physical causes include heart disease, hormonal imbalances and obesity, nerve system...
Around 1 % of Cerebral stroke victims are aged 60-65 years. Cerebral stroke is not common below the age of 40. Cerebral stroke is caused by a disruption in blood supply to a particular part of the brain. A small interruption in blood supply to a brain part can...
Cholesterol-lowering recipes are easy to find and follow if you want to lower your cholesterol. They can be a delicious alternative to fatty foods. It is important to understand which foods are lower in cholesterol and which cooking methods can be used to keep food healthy. There are many...
For all men, increasing your penis size can be a great thing. There are many ways to increase your penis size. These methods can cost hundreds of dollars and are not safe. It is a good thing that neither of these methods is the best way to enlarge your...