Food Supplements

It is essential to remove risk factors associated with bad habits, such as smoking and eating unhealthy foods, and to ensure that blood sugar and cholesterol levels are maintained at normal levels. Cardiominal can help you reduce your risk of heart disease by reducing risk factors. Iron and zinc are two...
Joint pain can be a sign of various diseases or conditions that need medical attention. Chronic joint pain affects people's ability to do their daily tasks and can negatively impact their quality of life. Joint pain that persists can also lead to a loss of mobility and function, which negatively impacts...
Mycosis occurs when a fungus infects living tissue. Fungal infections are caused by yeast or mold. Through the bloodstream, they can affect the skin or toenails as well as various organs. The fungus that affects the area affected can either be harmless or easily treated, or even life-threatening.What is Ringworm? Ringworm is a...
The human heart is hollow and the size of a hand. The heart is divided into a left half and a right. Each is divided into two chambers: the main chamber and the atrium. The cardiac septum divides the two halves. The oxygen-poor side of the blood is on the right, and the...
You can develop a fungus nail infection if you are in constant contact with water. Wet nails can cause a fungal infection. This is also called onychomycosis. This usually occurs in the summer, when moisture is absorbed by your hands and foot. The infection persists despite your best efforts to cure it. Skinatrin...
The role of a multivitamin is to make up for any micronutrient deficiencies you may have. The human body needs nutrients to function and survive. Traditionally, nutrients are classified into 2 main categories:Macronutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats for energy and body function. Micronutrients: vitamins, minerals, trace elements.Micronutrients do...
Abusing alcohol can weaken your immune system, leaving you more susceptible to illness. Health professionals recommend adopting healthy habits and staying fit. According to studies, excessive drinking can weaken the immune system and make our bodies more susceptible to disease. It is because excessive alcohol consumption affects defense cells.Alcohol and Immunity This substance...
Small breasts can lead to aesthetic concerns and affect a person's confidence in their physical appearance. However, it is important to note that safety and health are not necessarily related to breast size. According to the Society for Aesthetic, Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery (SECPRE), there are no direct medical risks...
Over the course of a lifetime, the heart must pump more than five liters per minute. The heart requires sufficient vitamins and other essential substances to perform at this level. Vitamin C has many benefits to human health. It is a powerful antioxidant that aids in iron absorption, collagen production...
A caffeine headache can be a long-lasting, tiresome headache that can be triggered by tension or other negative reactions to caffeine. Many people who complain of a caffeine headache find that they get it unexpectedly. They also discover that they don’t always get headaches from drinking coffee. Sometimes, a...