Good Sleep

A migraine is a headache that causes severe headaches. A migraine is primarily vascular. This means that migraines are caused by changes in blood vessels that supply blood to brain. Although the exact cause of the blood vessel changes can vary from person-to-person, this is how it usually starts....
Imagine that you are experiencing all the symptoms of a headache but not having migraines. It may seem unlikely, as migraines are a type of headache that causes throbbing and pulsating pain. It is possible to have a migraine and not have a headache. It is possible. It is...
Migraine headaches are one of the most debilitating diseases on the planet. Migraine headaches can be very debilitating if you suffer from them. Although the severity and frequency of migraines can vary, many sufferers still experience headaches at least once a month. That is money lost in your pay...
Have you ever sat down to read a book and felt your vision slowly blur in the face? This is known as an optical migraine. Although there are pre-symptoms, the problem isn’t that people can’t identify them. It’s that they are often confused when they strike. There are simple,...
What is an "atypical migraine?" Atypical migraines are difficult to diagnose and hard to define. A classic migraine is a severe, recurring headache that causes pain to be concentrated on one side of your head. It can also include side effects like nausea, sensitivity, numbness, or visual disturbances. These...
An eye migraine is not a headache like a migraine. However, it is likely to be less severe than a migraine headache. The problem causes a temporary loss of vision that lasts between 5 and half an hour. A migraine is a condition in which a migraine sufferer experiences...
Sinus infection is really a common ordeal experienced by folks from time and energy to time. Gather information- Once you confront an illness linked to sinuses; carefully observe all of your body. You can make a note of what you are in fact feeling, for instance, whether you're having...
Tension headaches are, as the name implies, headaches that result in being stressed or overly anxious. Tension headaches are more common in people who are stressed out or overworked at work. Tension headaches are often referred to stress headaches. They usually occur around noon, after a significant portion of...
Despite all the modern technology available, there is no cure for common cold or flu. Therefore, prevention should be more important than treatment. The flu and cold can make your life miserable. It is easy to avoid this misery. It all comes down to common health sense. These 8...
Migraine is more than just a headache. This is more severe and can cause your head to throb with pain. You are more sensitive to light and sounds. Swollen blood vessels and nerves near the brain can cause migraines. The trigeminal nerve releases chemicals that irritate the brain's surface...