Head lice infestation, also called pediculosis or pediculosis is a common condition among children. As the tiny parasitic creatures leap from head to head, it is highly contagious. Lice do not discriminate and can infest the head of any child, regardless of their hygiene. No matter what the reason, head lice can infest anyone’s head.

Traditional Treatment

Over-the-counter medications have been around for years and are the most popular head lice treatment. This treatment is a type of pesticide and kills both the adult and young lice. However, it does not affect the eggs or nits that are found in the roots of the hair. It is important that the person infected be treated again within a brief time. This kills the lice once they hatch, but doesn’t give them time to lay more eggs.

Home Treatments

People have passed down a few home remedies over the years to help them find a safe treatment that doesn’t contain harmful chemicals. Mayonnaise has been proven to be effective in killing lice and leaving hair healthy. Others recommend using apple cider rinse with shampoo.


Over-the-counter chemical treatments can be very harsh on the hair and skin. Head lice have evolved to be more resilient to these treatments over the years and are now able to withstand more treatments. You will notice damage to your hair and scalp if you apply a chemically-based head lice treatment more than once.

Natural treatments are not guaranteed and may need to be repeated. This can prolong the infestation and make it more difficult to treat. They also have no effect on the number of nits. If you miss one or two nits in an hour, you may find yourself back at square one. It doesn’t matter what head lice treatment you use, you should also use a nut comb. This is a fine toothcomb that can be used to rid your hair of the eggs.

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