Although headaches may appear to be a minor problem, they can have serious consequences for both the sufferer as well as society. Headaches are responsible for more than 10 million visits to the U.S. medical doctor each year and are the leading reason for school and work absences. Although pain medicine can temporarily relieve the pain, it cannot correct the cause.


Homeopathy has been a great help in addressing the root causes of most headaches. There are five main types of headaches: Toxic, Cluster, Cluster, Tension, and Sinus. Adults most commonly experience tension headaches. Tension headaches are a common problem for up to 80% of Americans. Tension headaches are twice as common in women than in men. They can last anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours.

The symptoms can be described as a feeling of throbbing, pressure, or band-like pain. The severity of the symptoms increases with frequency. These are the least well-known. These symptoms are easiest to recognize if they can be linked to exposure to a toxin.


Most toxins are slow and subtle in their symptoms. I recommend that everyone be tested for homeopathic detoxification products that activate the body’s amazing detoxification mechanisms. Sinus headaches are most common around the forehead, cheekbones and base of the nose. Allopathic medications rarely treat the root cause of sinus problems and can often leave patients with recurring sinus problems.

Cluster headaches are typically one-sided and most painful. They can be up to 100 times more severe than migraines, but they are also the least common. They affect less than 1 out of 1,000 people. They usually occur before age 30, and last for a period of two weeks to three years. They can occur anywhere from one to three times per day and last between 30 and 90 minutes. They can wake people up as soon as they go to sleep. They will go into remission after the cluster period, which can last for months or even years. However, they will recur.

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Biological Clock

The circadian, or biological clock, associated with the hypothalamus and pineal gland regulates sleep and wake cycles. Attacks may be related to this biological clock. These headaches are most common during the seasonal changes of spring and fall. These headaches are more often associated with changes in daylight hours than allergy. Migraine headaches are a vascular-type that is associated with changes in size of the blood vessels both inside and outside the brain.

An estimated 28 million Americans suffer migraines. An additional 13 million are not yet diagnosed. Migraines affect more women than men. 25% of those diagnosed experience four or more migraine attacks per month, 35% experience 1-4 attacks per month, and 40% experience one or fewer attacks per month. Most migraines last between four and three days. Four out of five migraine sufferers have a history of migraines. A child is at 50% risk of developing migraines if they have a parent with migraines. However, if both parents have migraines, the chance of getting migraines is 75%.


Migraines can be triggered by stress, chemicals, caffeine and poor sleep patterns. A migraine can cause nausea, vomiting, light sensitivity, nausea, stomach upset, or abdominal pain. A migraine can cause children to look pale, dizziness, blurred vision, stomach upset, fever, and/or stomach problems. Homeopathy is a highly individual healing art. Homeopathy’s great success lies in finding the right formulas for each person.

Talk to your natural medicine practitioner or homeopath to determine which homeopathic remedy is best for you. You’ll be able to forget about the headache pain. The pain will disappear naturally!

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