Home remedies for wart removal can be just as effective as more expensive, more difficult treatments. Although some people believe home therapy is a waste of time, many people actually live by them. Home remedies can be used to treat or prevent many health conditions. Your warts could be one of these.

Take note

  • Duct tape can be used to remove or eliminate your warts. You might want to give it a try. You can use duct tape to wrap your warts. The tape should be left on for at least five to six days. After six days, the cover can be removed and the area scrubbed with pumice stones. In a few weeks, you may see positive results.
  • Aloe vera has been shown to be effective in eliminating warts. You only need to get Aloe Vera gel and soak a cottonball in it. After the cotton has been soaked for a minute or so, you can now wrap the cotton ball around the affected area and wart. You can add Aloe Vera to the cotton ball or change the cotton piece with Aloe extract as frequently as you like. Your wart will fall off if you leave the cotton ball in place for a few days to weeks.
  • Tea tree essential oil is an antibacterial that kills most bacteria. It is a potent way to get rid of warts. This method is very popular due to its high success rate. Apply essential tea tree oil to the wart every day until it disappears. Because of its effectiveness, this method is not recommended for frequent use.
  • Echinacea pills can be used to treat skin infections and warts. The pill can be taken either once or twice daily.
  • Another popular way to get rid of warts is by using essential lemon oil. Apply a drop of essential oil directly to the wart. Continue the process until the wart is gone.
  • Castor oil is an effective wart-removal remedy. Apply the oil directly on your wart and rub your fingers around the wart. This can be repeated day and night for several weeks until your wart disappears.
  • It has been proven that rubbing a banana peel on your wart can help for several weeks. For maximum effectiveness, you may rub the banana peel foe multiple times per day.
  • Cabbage is a popular home remedy to eliminate warts. Some wart sufferers believe that cabbage juice and raw cabbage can cure them. Although the exact reason for this is not known, it has been proven to be a successful treatment for warts.
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Home remedies for wart removal are easily found in your local health store or home. It is important to first try each remedy one at a while and wait for the results before moving on to the next.

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