Graine de moutarde

When the nasal passages become inflamed or irritated by smoke, pollution, viruses, or an attack allergy, the nasal membrane and sinuses secrete more mucus than normal. They can swell and block the openings, preventing air and mucus from flowing freely and allowing bacteria to grow.Sinus facts Sinus can be chronic...
Sinus infection, also known as sinusitis, is rapidly spreading. Sinus infection can be very serious. It can be very bothersome, painful, and even irritating. It can affect your entire day. But what is sinusitis? Although we have all heard it many times and experienced it in our lives, do...
Hiccups are an annoying involuntary reflex action. Hiccups can be caused by irritation in the diaphragm muscles. Hiccups can also be caused by hot spicy foods, stomach problems, kidney disorders, sudden excitement, eating too fast, and overeating. Usually, hiccups disappear within a few hours. You can still treat hiccups...