Dietary Supplement

What is the connection between magnesium and migraine headaches? There are many theories as to how magnesium might be involved in migraine headaches. It seems that magnesium can bind to certain receptor sites in the brain. This is a well-known fact. These receptor sites are usually excitatory in nature,...
Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is a common problem that affects many men. There are many causes. These can be caused by a variety of factors including trauma, injury, bad habits, and psychological or physical factors. Some of the physical causes include heart disease, hormonal imbalances and obesity, nerve system...
Sometimes the greatest truths seem too simple to be true. The most powerful solutions to our problems often have simple solutions, solutions that seem too good to believe at first glance. 4- If the label says anything about health, think about it. They aren't saying this because they have...
As the tendency to migraines relates to gender and heredity, you can find other reasons for us to build up the condition. It is not something it is possible to catch from anyone who has it, when an episode is approximately to start, lots of people report an aura,...