Fungal Infections

Onychomycosis is also known as this. It is caused by tiny insects that cause infections in the toe and finger nails. It is difficult to find a cure for the fungus because it occurs below the nails. The same happens to people who live in warm, dry, and moist...
In medical terminology, the toenail fungus can be called "onychomycosis". The term does not just refer to fungal infections, but also yeast infections that can cause severe nail problems. Men are affected twice as often by toenail fungus than women. Toenail fungus can be treated, but it must be...
Nail fungus can be serious and should be treated immediately by a doctor. You may notice a discolored appearance to your nails and they can either break off or grow abnormally. It is possible to feel embarrassed that others will see your feet when you go to the gym...