Herbal Tea

Winter is coming, with its colder weather, darker nights, and coughs and flus. You might feel the urge to hibernate in front the TV during the colder months, consuming a box of biscuits and a cup of cocoa. To prepare for winter and autumn, you must be fit and...
Anyone who has actually suffered from a migraines knows that you'd always would rather stop the headaches before it even starts to begin with. As soon as a migraine has started after that it's game over for the day. You are going to need to spend all of those...
A caffeine headache can be a long-lasting, tiresome headache that can be triggered by tension or other negative reactions to caffeine. Many people who complain of a caffeine headache find that they get it unexpectedly. They also discover that they don’t always get headaches from drinking coffee. Sometimes, a...
Premature ejaculation can be serious! Men who have had a complete physical to rule out any medical reasons for the condition have many natural options for how to delay ejaculation. Your doctor may recommend Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles. This may be able to resolve the problem...
Head aches can range between annoying to downright debilitating. Lots of people grab the aspirin bottle the moment a headache starts. Most head aches aren't serious but some could be. However, for those who have recurrent headaches you can find 3 things you have to know before consuming aspirin....
Migraine head aches are normal occurrences among many employees. Individuals doing their daily chores end up resting and deferring these duties for the following day. Migraines usually manifest themselves at first through severe pain using one side of the top. The pain is frequently concentrated at the region behind...
If you're anything like me, you'd have tried every possible remedy for colic. In my quest for a home remedy, I tried everything, from using the vacuum cleaner to gripe water and homeopathic remedies. My first attempt at relieving colic in my baby was with herbal remedies for colic....
You don't have to resort to taking over-the-counter medications. There are simple home remedies that can be used to treat sinus infections. In some cases, all you need is your kitchen. A herbal tea is one of the best ways to treat sinus problems. Echinacea and astragalus are some...
The gift of sight can be taken for granted. People who are blessed with good sight should remember those who have trouble seeing. Other than sight problems, there are other conditions that can be equally problematic. These include puffiness, bags, and dark circles under your eyes. The last one...
As we age, our skin and bodies show it. For some women, under eye bags and sags can be a common occurrence. Continue reading if you suffer from eye puffiness. We will discuss the causes of eye puffiness and offer tips to get rid of them. First, puffiness and...