Prostate Cancer

Prostatitis is an inflammatory condition of the prostate that can pose risks to men's health. If not treated properly, it can lead to serious complications. According to the Urological Association, prostatitis can increase the risk of developing urinary problems, recurrent infections, erectile dysfunction, and even prostate cancer. Chronic prostatitis can...
Penis cancer is a diagnosis that no one wants to hear. The mere thought of cancer can send chills down the spine of a grown-up. Many people ignore warning signs of cancer out of fear. They may be concerned for months before finally seeking medical attention. Do you sound...
Men who frequently inspect their penis within a normal penis health regimen (and which should include all guys) are searching for anything unusual - a rash, discoloration, growths, A very important factor to be searching for is male organ bumps, any raised regions of the skin which were not...