
Red penis symptoms such as itching, redness, or pain can vary from mild to severe. These symptoms can be difficult or easy to treat. Red Penis - Most often, a "red penis", or excessive or aggressive sexual activity, is the cause. This can cause a penis to become sensitive...
Many men have questioned the dangers of frequent sex and self-pleasuring. Is it harmful to fertility? It can damage the penis. Make sex less enjoyable Find out more about the dangers of too much love and how to modify your routine to keep your penis healthy. Is too much...
Ejaculation is a subject that men have many feelings about, with most of them being positive. While timing can sometimes be off, men generally look forward to the experience with excitement and anticipation. Ejaculation is also tied to issues of penis health. Anejaculation can cause anxiety and worry in...
Premature ejaculation is defined as the act of ejaculating before one desires or without control. However, this definition cannot be a complete one. This is due to the fact that intercourse lengths vary from one couple to another. In some cases, it may mean that the man is having...
Learning to recognize the signals your body sends during the sexual response cycle is key to avoiding premature ejaculation. We will be discussing the components of the cycle as well as their roles in controlling ejaculation. Masters and Johnson studied the physiological changes women and men experience when they...