Vision Disorder

Migraines are one of the most common complaints in medicine. It is a common reason for frequent Emergency Room visits. However, most people who seek treatment for migraine headaches at ER get only partial relief or no relief at all. You will never forget a migraine headache and will...
Ocular Migraine, also known by Ophthalmic Migraine and Retinal Migraine, is a common type of migraine. It is usually painless but can be very distressing. Ocular symptoms can include visual problems like an "aura". This is a white flashing light which pulses in the visual fields. You may experience...
Migraine is a headache that causes throbbing pain. It can be experienced only on one side of your head. It is more common in women than in men. It can cause severe pain and make it difficult to carry out daily activities. This article will briefly discuss the various...
Maybe you have had the feeling of experiencing blurred eyesight, seeing zigzags, or perhaps a temporary loss of eyesight in only one eye (in only one small spot) and sensation nausea simultaneously? Chances are, you might have an optical or, terminologically right, ocular migraines. An optical migraine is named...
What is an "atypical migraine?" Atypical migraines are difficult to diagnose and hard to define. A classic migraine is a severe, recurring headache that causes pain to be concentrated on one side of your head. It can also include side effects like nausea, sensitivity, numbness, or visual disturbances. These...
You need to be more aware of this topic. I suggest you take five minutes to read our thoughts. There are many types of headaches that are well-known. These include migraine headaches. The headache can have a profound effect on daily life. It can feel like a pulsating sensation...
Migraine headaches can cause severe pain. Migraine headaches can be very painful. This article will discuss some of the causes. Migraines are thought to be genetic. Many people who have migraines also have family members who suffer from them. The chance of your children getting them is around seventy...
We all experience headaches at some point in our lives. They can be intermittent or severe enough to disrupt our daily routines. These headaches can often cause visual changes. What is a migraine? Migraine is a severe headache that can be recurrent and is usually only experienced on one...
While reading the newspaper, I found an article about Janet Jackson's battle with vestibular migraines. She would be unable to perform on tour for two weeks. I was unfamiliar with vestibular migraine and decided to do some research. What are Vestibular Migraines? A vestibular migraine can cause visual disturbances...
Many people believe that migraine headaches are just a migraine headache. There is a common misconception that migraine headaches are one type and there are no other types. Ocular migraine is one of the many types of migraine that medically exists. What is Ocular Migraine? This type of migraine...