
Obesity is a widespread metabolic disease in modern societies. The greater presence in our diet of added sugars and saturated and hydrogenated fats has meant that the percentage of people suffering from this pathology has increased greatly in recent years, being especially worrying in children and young people. If...
Pinworm infection is one of the most common types of intestinal worm infections worldwide. Pinworms are thin and white, and measure about 1/4 to 1/2 inch (about 6 to 13 millimeters) long. While the infected person sleeps, the female parasites lay thousands of eggs in the folds of skin...
Prostatitis is an inflammatory condition of the prostate that can pose risks to men's health. If not treated properly, it can lead to serious complications. According to the Urological Association, prostatitis can increase the risk of developing urinary problems, recurrent infections, erectile dysfunction, and even prostate cancer. Chronic prostatitis can...
Уявіть, що ви їдете у відпустку на два тижні. У день вашого від'їзду буревій вимикає електрику у вашому будинку до вашого повернення. У холодильнику ви знаходите безліч різноманітних бактерій, грибків і плісняви. Але ви клянетесь, що їх там не було, коли ви їхали....