Head lice infestation is a common problem among parents, especially as school starts. While it is not a major health problem, it can be a bothersome and unsightly issue that causes children and adults to scratch their heads. Head lice should be treated immediately if it is suspected. This will prevent the infestation from spreading to other family members.

Let’s start

Start looking for live lice if anyone in the household or classroom complains of itchy scalp and is scratching it constantly. Head lice treatment should begin immediately if a crawling critter has been found. There are many options for head lice treatment. Doctors and hair specialists often recommend shampoos or hair lotions containing pesticides or chemicals as primary treatment for severe or persistent infestations.

The most common pediculocides found in head lice shampoos or lotions are lindane, organophosphates, malathion, pyrethrins, pyrethrum, and pyrethroids. The first two are the only FDA-approved treatment agents.

Toxic factor

Many people are becoming more concerned about the potential exposure of children to pesticides and chemicals. It is best to only use them when live lice are detected. Most people prefer natural home remedies and head lice treatments because they are organic, inexpensive, and do not contain potentially harmful chemicals.

Natural ways

The most common natural remedies are made from plant extracts like tea tree oil and neem oils, coconut oil, and olive oil. These are effective because of their natural insecticidal qualities or lubricating properties for easier lice removal with nit combs and lice. As the name suggests, home remedies are usually made from materials you already have at home.

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These include mayonnaise and petroleum jelly, vinegar as well as plastic bags, shower caps, shampoos, hair dryers, irons, and even mouthwash. One common home remedy for lice is to cover the parasites in mayonnaise, olive or petroleum jelly, and then leave it on for a night. Then, comb the hair with a nit-comb the next day. Because lice cannot survive high temperatures, some people suggest that you use a hair dryer or straightening iron to kill them. LouseBuster is a device that heats hair to kill lice.


No matter what type of treatment you choose, live lice must be removed with a nit or fine-toothed combing tool. Before you rinse off shampoo or smothering agents, you can combine the lice. Metal combs last longer than plastic ones and are less likely to chip. These parasites can only be eradicated by consistent head lice treatment and regular checking for nits and lice. It is important to prevent re-infestation. Children should not be exposed to these parasites.


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