The most common treatment for bacterial vaginosis involves taking a course antibiotics. Metronidazole or clindamycin are the most common antibiotics prescribed. These medications must be prescribed by a doctor and are usually for seven days. There are other options available if you’re looking for a home remedy to bacteria vaginosis.


You can buy probiotic Lactobacillus Acidophilus at your local health food store. It is beneficial for digestion and has been shown to protect against bacteria, parasites, and other harmful organisms. It is available in capsules or powder form. Acidophilus is found in yogurt so it can be beneficial to include this product in your diet, especially if you are consuming yogurt with live cultures.

Many women find relief by using a yogurt-covered tampon to cover their vagina and insert it overnight. L.Acidophilus, one of the naturally occurring good bacteria in the vagina makes it an effective home remedy for bacterial vaginosis.


The bad bacteria is now more prevalent than the good in a BV infection.

  • Acidophilus capsules can be taken by mouth.
  • You can eat yogurt or apply it topically to replace what has been destroyed.
  • A garlic suppository is another home remedy for bacteria vignanosis. Garlic is known for its antimicrobial properties which help in eliminating harmful bacteria.You can always buy fresh garlic if you are unable to find them immediately. Wrap the clove of garlic in sterile gauze. Place the clove in the vagina for several hours. String thread through the clove, leaving the string out. The gauze acts as a barrier to prevent irritation from direct contact. However, it is porous enough to allow the garlic’s effectiveness.
  • Tea tree oil is another home remedy to bacteria vaginosis. Tea tree oil suppositories can also be purchased at a health food store. Tea tree oil, also known by melaleuca oil is a topical treatment that has excellent antimicrobial properties. You can also use the tampon technique to get these suppositories if you cannot find them. However, tea tree essential oil is very potent and should be diluted with a carrier oil before you use it. This can be irritating for some women so it is not something I recommend. However, a word of caution. Tea tree oil should never be consumed directly, such as by drinking. Tea tree oil can cause severe reactions when swallowed. This includes coma, hallucinations and vomiting.
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