Many people suffering from frequent UTI’s look for a home remedy for their urinary tract infection. Your body may be trying to tell your body something if you have frequent infections and are tired of the constant struggle to find the cause and the frequent trips to the doctor.


Your frequent urinary tract infections may be a sign of a bigger problem. Usually, another round of antibiotics is prescribed after a visit to the doctor. This could actually make the problem worse. A home remedy for urinary tract infections that addresses the root cause of the problem may be able to help you eliminate the problem completely and prevent future recurrences.

Candida overgowth is a condition where symptoms return despite repeated antibiotics. Candida Albicans are most commonly known for yeast infections. However, urinary tract infections can also occur as a side effect of a decreased supply of good bacteria. There are many other symptoms that can accompany this disorder. Many of these symptoms are not interrelated. This is why it can be difficult to get a diagnosis for Candida overgrowth.

Candida Albicans

A naturally occurring organism, lives in our bodies and is normally controlled by beneficial bacteria. Candida can control our digestive systems and cause our bodies to react in different ways. You probably guessed it, frequent rounds of antibiotics to treat your urinary tract infection are one way our bodies’ natural bacteria becomes diminished.

The home remedy for a urinary tract infection is designed to first control Candida overgrowth and then to restore intestinal flora to prevent it from recurring. Some people may be resistant to antifungal and antibiotic medications that they used in the past to treat frequent urinary tract infections. It is not a good idea for your urinary tract infections to continue untreated.

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However, it is important that you get to the root cause and treat the Candida overgrowth while you are treating the symptoms. The fastest and most effective way to get rid Candida is to make it starve. This will prevent it from gaining more sugar. Although there are medications that can reduce the symptoms of Candida overgrowth (e.g., insulin), if you don’t get rid of it completely, your symptoms will return. These treatments don’t restore the beneficial bacteria that can kill Candida and restore your body to a healthy state.

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