In the United States alone, it is estimated that thousands suffer from migraine attacks. Migraine can be a neurological condition that can become a serious health problem or a minor inconvenience. Migraine headaches are a common condition that is rarely treated by doctors.

Common Triggers

Here are some of the most common triggers for migraine attacks. Sometimes, however, a migraine attack may not be triggered by any reason. Experts agree that migraine can occur when there are a variety of triggers. Doctors advise patients to take note of migraine attacks and headaches and any triggers that may have occurred at the time. This will help patients differentiate between a migraine attack and a simple headache.

Many migraine sufferers believe that all headaches they experience are migraine attacks. A migraine attack is more than a headache. Migraine cannot easily be treated with medication. Migraine needs to be properly treated by a neurologist who can also prescribe a number of treatments. It is a fact that most current migraine treatments are not effective. It is important to know how to distinguish a migraine headache from a regular one. It is important to distinguish between the two.

Take Note

Here’s a quick guide to help you determine if you have a severe migraine or a regular headache.

  • You feel dizzy. If you feel nauseated, then you may be suffering from a migraine attack. Sometimes vomiting can also occur. This can lead to changes in the body temperature.
  • Intense pain. It is possible that you are suffering from a migraine attack if the pain is already unbearable. Migraine is a recurring pain that affects one side of your head. The pain usually begins in the eyes and goes down to the neck.
  • Vision problems. Migraines are serious if you already have vision problems. Visual defects can manifest as oversensitivity to light, temporary blindness, or seeing flashing lights. If you feel these symptoms, consult a neurologist immediately. It is important to realize that most of the traditional treatments for migraines do not work 100%.
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Many migraine sufferers are now looking for alternative treatments. Many sufferers have found that acupuncture has helped them prevent future headaches. Other sufferers have also found that incense and scents can be beneficial. Migraine attacks are known to follow a series. Many doctors recommend that patients continue taking painkillers to prevent the cycle from being interrupted. To reduce the severity of an attack, it is a good idea to ignore the pain.

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