As people look for natural alternatives to harsh chemicals, cold sore home remedies are growing in popularity. Cold sore home remedies are becoming increasingly popular because you can often find the remedy in your own home or buy the items at a very low price. While over-the-counter remedies can sometimes work, this does not mean that they are not effective.

Natural Alternatives

Often the natural alternative works as well or better. Let’s take a look at some home remedies. Lysine, an amino acid, is believed to be effective in fighting cold sores. However, it is not something the body naturally produces so you will need to find a way of getting it. It is a large molecule so it cannot be absorbed easily through the skin.

You can find lysine in certain foods, including meats, poultry, red meats, and pork, as well as cheese (especially parmesan), eggs, nuts, soybeans (particularly tofu, defatted soybean flour, and isolated soy protein), spirulina and fenugreek seeds. You can also take lysine as an supplement.


However, you should only take them if a doctor recommends it. This will not only help with the outbreak but it will also replace arginine, which may help prevent future outbreaks.

Tea Tree Oil is another effective remedy. Tea Tree Oil is quickly gaining popularity in the world of natural remedies due to its many benefits, including its ability to treat cold sores. Tea Tree Oil is known for its soothing properties, which can help relieve the symptoms of cold sores. Tea Tree Oil is also anti-septic, which many believe can help fight the cold sore infection.

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Herpes simplex

It can be contagious and spread quickly. However, it is very common to get it when your immune system is weak. Being sick or stressed. You can boost your immune system to combat this. Mix equal amounts of tinctures of calendula and echinacea with oats and burdock and take 1/2 teaspoon four to five times per day.

Ice is great for reducing swelling and pain. However, it can slow down the healing of open wounds. Ice is one of the home remedies for cold sores. Ice has healing properties that can help with sores. Ice is the most commonly used treatment for cold sores. This simple treatment can provide significant pain relief.

A final tip

If you have a sore, you might need to be careful about what you eat. Avoid acid foods like tomatoes and vinegar, which can cause a cold sore. Take a high quality vitamin and mineral supplement to help your body move toward the alkaline side.


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