Mango bark can be used to treat a sore throat or other throat-related disorders. The fluid from the mango bark can be used locally. It can also be used to gargle the throat. Belleric myroblan, a valuable remedy, is also available.

Take Note

  • This condition can be treated with a mixture of 2 grams of the fruit’s pulp, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 tablespoon of powdered long chili pepper, and 2 tablespoons honey. You can also roast the fried fruit, after coating it with wheat flour, and use that as a remedy.
  • Bishop’s weed is a wonderful home remedy for sore throats. In the case of a severe cold, a mixture of the seeds and salt can be used to make a gargle.
  • A remedy for a sore throat due to a cold is cinnamon. This can be used to treat a sore throat by taking one tablespoon of cinnamon powdered in a glass of water. A combination of two to three drops of cinnamon oil and a teaspoon honey can provide massive relief.
  • Gargles made from fenugreek seed have been proven to be very effective in treating sore throats. Two tablespoons of fenugreek seed should be boiled in one liter of water. Then, simmer the mixture for half an hour on a low heat. The mixture should be allowed to cool to a manageable level, then strained and used as a gargle.
  • Indigo leaves can be used to treat sore throats. This condition can be treated with a decoction of the leaves.
  • The Tulsi leaves have been shown to be effective in treating sore throats.
  • All parts of India have documented Licorice as a home remedy for sore throats. For sore throat, a small amount of raw licorice can be chewed or sucked.
  • Sage is another effective remedy. A handful of sage leaves should be boiled in half a liter of water. Once the mixture is cool, you can add some honey and vinegar to taste. This mixture should be used to gargle.
  • A tea-leaf decoction is very effective in treating a sore throat. As a gargle, this decoction should be mixed with a little salt. For relief, you can use it 2 to 3 times per day. You don’t need to use fresh tea leaves for this purpose. Boiling water can also be used to boil tea leaves, and this decoction can be used as a gargle.
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