Common problems include sore throat. Most likely, you have already tried many remedies, from hot soups and potent antibiotics. Now, you might be wondering if any of them really work. Knowing the cause of a medical condition is the first and most important step to curing it.

Sore Throat

A sore throat could be caused by many things. This is not the case with an “ordinary” condition. There are many things that can cause severe throat problems, some of which are more severe than others. Sore throats are most commonly caused by bacteria and viruses. The common cold is the most common cause.

These viral infections can cause inflammation in the throat region, often with the mucous membrane covering it, as with the voice box. This inflammation can be annoying because it can make it difficult to swallow and speak. Tonsillitis is usually caused by a virus. However, bacteria from diseases such as Strep throat and other viruses can also cause inflammation.

Throat infection

It can also be caused by injuries, environmental conditions, and other problems. Inflammation of the throat can be caused by low humidity, smoking, allergens in air, and air pollution. The throat may also be irritated by stomach acid that backs up. Severe cases may be more severe.

However, there are rare cases where sexually transmitted diseases are involved. These throat infections can also be caused by allergies. Most sore throat cases do not require any medication. It is best to let the virus or bacterial infection run its course, especially if it is severe.

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Home Remedies

The best home remedies for the condition include adequate rest, drinking lots and gargling salt water. The condition can be treated with a variety of non-prescription medications. To reduce swelling in the throat, decongestants and cough drops may be used. Lozenges for throat are a popular non-prescription remedy.

These can be used to treat specific conditions such as bacterial infections or irritations of the mucous membrane. Some lozenges can also be used to treat severe throat infections.


Antibiotics are one type of medication that should be avoided, at least without a prescription. Antibiotics are not recommended for severe throat infections. You will not only suffer from side effects, but you will also barely cure the condition (especially viral), and you might even kill beneficial bacteria or help create resistant strains.


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