What is the best way to treat a urinary infection? Most people choose antibiotics based on convenience and doctor’s orders. Millions of people are choosing natural remedies for urinary tract infections that have similar results, but are safer than antibiotics. This information is crucial if you have a urinary infection and are constantly suffering from repeat infections.

Did you know?

Did you know that 25% of all urinary tract infections are repeated infections? This means that antibiotics are not working. Doctors have accepted this flaw in their treatment. You can actually find millions of repeat infections on the internet. For many, it is a part of daily life. Many researchers believe that antibiotics are the problem.

Fact! Fact! Your body is contaminated with both beneficial and harmful bacteria. A strong immune system is usually enough to keep you healthy. Your body will suffer if your bacteria is not balanced (more harmful than good). Because U.T.I. Antibiotics kill all bacteria, so many patients think they are cured. However, months later they will still be suffering from another infection.

Natural Remedies

Natural health researchers believe that natural remedies may be the answer to a urinary infection. Everywhere you look, there is evidence of something amazing about the human body. Although there may be many systems in the body, they all work together. You will notice that foot research shows that your feet can have a significant impact on the health of your entire body. The same goes for everything you eat and do for your body.

There are over 20 ways to treat and prevent urinary tract infection at home. They are likely to be more effective and healthy than antibiotics. Your diet and nutrition plan are the first tip. We recommend that you eliminate certain foods from your diet within the first 24 hours of your treatment. Acidic foods can make your symptoms worse.

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Take Note

  • Here’s a list of foods to avoid: tea, coffee, chocolate, colas, guavas, oranges and pineapples, red wine carbonate beverages, chicken livers.
  • Here are foods that have been proven to restore a healthy pH level in your urinary tract. These foods are recommended for the first 24 hours of treatment: kale and spinach, potatoes, carrots, squashes, onions, mineral water.
  • A high-fiber diet that is well balanced may be something you wish to continue eating. You should eat at most 5-7 fruits and vegetables per day, and stick to whole grains.
  • You may also want to supplement Vitamin C or zinc to boost your immunity.
  • To fight off the bacteria that causes the infection, a healthy immune system is essential.


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