Lemon Juice

Acne can be a serious skin condition that can cause women to feel anxious and distressed. It can take a while to get rid of acne scars. Most cases, your make-up won't help you hide the marks. It is important to look for other effective ways to completely remove...
There are many acne medications on the market, both prescription- and nonprescription. However, not everyone is convinced that synthetic products and ingredients can help with their acne scarring. Many are concerned about the possible side effects of such treatments on their skin. Instead of using synthetic products, many have...
Melasma causes irregular patches of hyperpigmentation. Melasma is caused by estrogen and progesterone, which stimulate pigment-producing cells to produce more melanin when the skin is exposed the sun. Melasma is more common among darker skin tones, such as those of Asian and African descent. There are many melasma treatments...
A headaches is among the most general complications faced by everyone. There are mainly three forms of headache like tension headaches, migraine headache and cluster headaches. The tension headache is among the most ordinary head aches; this headache attacks the muscle tissues in the trunk neck. The muscle attacks...
Since the time humans first started walking upright, back pain has plagued them. We have tried many remedies to relieve our back pain since then. Unfortunately, our ancestors did not have access to the same modern medicine and procedures that we do. We are quick to take a pill...
Leg pain can be caused by tissue inflammation. This can affect the bones, muscles and nerves as well as the blood vessels and nerves. A back condition may cause pain that radiates to the legs. The anatomy of the legs is made up of the skeletal structure, which includes...
Sciatica, a neurotic condition of the sciatica nerve, is a severe illness of our nervous system. Sciatica is characterized by severe pain in the back, legs, and feet. Sciatica is a condition that results from the irritation of the sciatic nerve. This disease causes foot pain, low back pain,...
These home remedies will help you look younger. As you age, you will see changes in your skin. As you age, your skin begins to lose its moisture. You will notice fine lines, wrinkles, and eventually age spots. You cannot stop aging but you can slow its progression. These...
Acne can be a complex problem and it can be difficult to find a solution. More people are turning to natural treatments for their acne. Many of these treatments can be done at home with all-natural ingredients. This is a great advantage as side effects are less likely to...
Are you one of those people who have been suffering from acne and don't want the high-priced creams to help you get rid of it? Clearing your acne can be a difficult and expensive task. There are many things you can do in order to cure your acne problems....