Bicarbonate de soude

You can find home remedies for bad breath. These items can be found in your garden and kitchen. There is no need to spend a lot of money on expensive remedies for bad odors. Say goodbye to bad breath and hello to a more confident, healthy you! These simple...
Acid reflux and heartburn are very common issues. This type of indigestion is common in most people. The drug industry has responded to the problem by offering a wide range of powerful medications. Acid reflux home remedies can be just as effective and dangerous as drugs. Here are a...
Everyone wants a celebrity smile. Pearly white teeth will make you look more beautiful. Your oral health can be affected by lifestyle choices and aging processes. You can restore your white smile with simple home teeth whitening methods. Even with proper care, your teeth may look stained from frequent...
You may have noticed that there are many products available for home teeth whitening if you've ever looked at the dental hygiene section at your local drugstore. People want their teeth to be whiter and brighter. But how can you tell which products work and which ones don't? There...
As we age, our teeth can take on a dull and dingy appearance that can affect the smile we want. The use of lasers and special bleaches can improve the appearance of your teeth. These cosmetic dental procedures to whiten teeth are expensive. There are many new products that...
Most people have only heard of burning tongue when they ate or drank too hot. Burning tongue is a common condition. There are no obvious signs of anything wrong with the tongue. However, if the burning is limited to the tongue then it is burning tongue syndrome.Burning Mouth Burning mouth...
Canker sore refers to open wounds in your mouth. They are usually not contiguous, but they can be very painful. It takes canker sores about 1-2 weeks to heal. However, there are some things you can do at home that will help them heal quicker than if they were...
Searching to finally be rid or your marks with a home fix for acne scar removal? Everybody knows that having pimples is annoying, embarrassing and will even affect your social living and your self-confidence, but even more annoying than that might be the scars that pimples leaves on your...
Acne is a problem for almost everyone, but what exactly is acne? A pore is also known as a normal hair follicle. A pore is a sebaceous gland, which secretes natural oil called sebum. If sebum cannot drain from the follicle to the skin's surface, it becomes blocked and...
Bad eating habits can cause digestive problems. Good eating habits are key to maintaining a healthy bowel. You may be experiencing unpleasant abdominal symptoms such as bloating, nausea or lack of bowel movement. You can ease your symptoms by eating a healthy diet and fixing your digestion problems.Good bacteria A...