Are you looking for a home remedy for candida? You may be suffering from embarrassing and painful symptoms of candida yeast infections. You may have a vaginal yeast infection or you might be suffering from lesion and blisters on your penis due to a male penile yeast infection.


Perhaps your mouth is prone to thrush, which is another name for an oral yeast infection. This article will discuss some home remedies for a candida infestation. There are many home remedies for candida yeast. It depends on the type of infection you have. Yogurt is a great Ph neutralizer to yeast in the vagina. With a spatula or vaginal cream applicator, you can insert plain yogurt into your vaginal cavities.

To prevent the yogurt from escaping your genitals, do this at night. Keep doing this for 3-7 days until your symptoms improve. For some relief, you can also make a water-and-yogurt combination douche. A topical application with yogurt can be used to treat a penile yeast infection in men.

Good to know

It is a good idea for all yeast infections to consume as much plain, unpasteurized yogurt possible. Yogurt is rich in acidophilus, which is a powerful candida home remedy. Tea tree oil is rapidly becoming a popular home remedy for candida infections.

Teatree oil can be purchased at your local natural market or health food store. You can use the oil to treat vaginal yeast infections. For relief, place a few drops on a tampon. Then, insert it into your vagina for about 2 hours. To relieve symptoms of oral thrush, you can make a mouthwash with tea tree oil.

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Final note

The multiplication of yeast cells can be aided by reducing sugar intake. A body at high risk for yeast infections is not a good place to have yeast and sugar. People with diabetes and pre-diabetes are more likely to get recurring yeast infections. Positive results can be achieved if you reduce or eliminate your sugar intake.

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