
Fishy vagina - This is usually caused by inflammation in the area. An infection can cause inflammation around or in the area. The most common cause of vaginal odor in women is bacterial vignanosis. Most women have experienced bacterial vignaisis at some point in their lives.Bacterial infection Once they have,...
You might consider natural home remedies if you have a yeast infection. It is not something that every woman would be comfortable with to see a doctor if she has this illness. It can be embarrassing! What are some quick remedies you can use at home to relieve your...
Vaginal yeast infection can be caused by an overactive of bad bacteria in the body. This infection is often characterized by burning and itching in the vagina. It can also cause a swelling of the vulva and a vaginal discharge that is sometimes yellow or white. Anyone suffering from...
Yeast infections are most common in women who are pregnant. It is not uncommon for women to get this infection every once in a while. The imbalance of organisms in the vagina can lead to infection. Too much yeast in the stomach can also cause infections. This causes yeast...
膣のかゆみに対する自然療法を自宅で見つけることができます。ヨーグルトには、アシドフィルス菌やビフィズス菌の培養液など、「善玉菌」が豊富に含まれています。ヨーグルトは、腸内のプロバイオティクスを補充することができます。ヨーグルトはまた、あなたの膣内の "良い "細菌を補充するために有益であることができますそこに一緒にしみ込んでいる場合...