Chamomile Tea

Migraine can strike anyone anytime. There are many elements that may cause a headache but probably the most common factors behind headache is stress. So what can be more stressful than large workload, visitors jam, deadlines, etc.? Do you have problems with headaches lately? Should you choose, you had...
Migraine head aches are normal occurrences among many employees. Individuals doing their daily chores end up resting and deferring these duties for the following day. Migraines usually manifest themselves at first through severe pain using one side of the top. The pain is frequently concentrated at the region behind...
Contagious infections are viral in nature and enforced through coronaviruses or picornaviruses. They infect individuals with acute viral nasopharyngitis and acute coryza. The common cold is a term that describes this vial disease. The debilitating illness can last up to a week and can linger for up to two...
Throughout her life, a woman's life experiences frequent changes. Gradually, changes occur like breast development and evolution of hair in arms and other body parts. This initiates both psychological and biological changes. The growth process is influenced by the menstrual cycle. The biggest leap after crossing your childhood is...
Although there are many over-the-counter remedies for headaches, many can cause stomach upsets. Here are some tips to help you manage your headache symptoms using herbal remedies. Carry a small bag of almonds with your when you travel. Almonds contain a natural painkiller called Salicylates, which can be found...
Sinus headaches can be difficult to treat and can last for hours. Sinus headaches can be caused by allergies, cold and flu season, and other pollutants in the air. They can cause intense pressure, pain, sleep problems, and even difficulty sleeping. Many prescription and over-the-counter remedies can be used...
While technology has yet to deliver an end to severe headaches, there are several natural migraine relief strategies which can be employed to alleviate pain. Changes in lifestyle and the addition of herbal products an supplements to the dietary plan have been been shown to be very efficient. Identifying...
Migraine is a debilitating neurological condition that causes severe headaches. It can be described as a crushing or throbbing pain in the head, along with vomiting, visual disturbances and sensitivity to sound, light, nausea and tingling in arms and legs. Missed deadlines, angry family members, angry bosses, and endless...
A headache can be extremely painful and frustrating. A headache can begin as a mild pain that gradually becomes a severe pain. There are remedies that can help you get rid of the pain. Natural headache remedies are better than pills. Here are some natural remedies to help your...
It is well-known that 75% of females have it. Is it really possible to understand why so many people are suffering from this very personal and painful condition? To be honest, most people don't know why. I will give you a brief overview and then you can try my...