Chronic Pain Herbs

Tension headaches are the most common type of headache. It causes a dull, diffuse headache that can cause mild to moderate pain in the head. The sensation can be compared to feeling like you have a tight band around your head. Tension headaches can also cause pain at the...
Like adults, headaches can also affect children. Clinicians will take any child who complains about a headache seriously, especially if they are under five years old. This article is focused on children who have a headache as their sole complaint. A headache is a condition where people complain of...
Are you suffering from headaches all the time? If so, I will explain how to get rid of chronic headaches, migraines, and sinusitis. Allergies. I should clarify that I am referring to undiagnosed allergies that may not be obvious. Did you know that VOCs can cause headaches and that...
Migraine sufferers have different experiences. This sounds simple, but it's surprising how many people assume that a migraine is a migraine. This is simply not true. One's migraine disorder may be as individual as the person who suffers from it. Many suffer from migraine headaches. Chronic migraines can become...
A migraine is a headache that causes severe headaches. A migraine is primarily vascular. This means that migraines are caused by changes in blood vessels that supply blood to brain. Although the exact cause of the blood vessel changes can vary from person-to-person, this is how it usually starts....
There are many reasons migraine can be triggered. There are many ways to treat migraine headaches. Vices - People are more likely to smoke and drink alcohol, increasing their risk of developing this neurological syndrome. Too much light exposure is another factor. Women experience their monthly menstrual cycle, which...
Although most people don't realize it, there are more to a headache than meets the eyes. To provide the best medication, it is important to understand the difference between migraines and normal headaches. The difference between migraines and normal headaches is usually determined by the location of the condition...
A migraine headache is characterized by an acute throbbing sensation that is usually located on one side of your head, near the temple. Migraines can also be accompanied by other symptoms, such as sensitivity to light, noise, nausea, and vomiting. Migraines affect approximately 10% of the US population, or...
Imagine that you are experiencing all the symptoms of a headache but not having migraines. It may seem unlikely, as migraines are a type of headache that causes throbbing and pulsating pain. It is possible to have a migraine and not have a headache. It is possible. It is...
Although migraines have been around for some time, there is still much to be learned about their causes, triggers, and treatment. Migraines are no longer considered "bad headaches", but are now recognized as something more, a bit like the common and severe colds. Your doctor should be consulted if...