
1:70-80% of all cases are due to a physical cause. As you can see, psychological factors have a direct impact on our physical condition and can make it worse or better. However, there are certain conditions where positive thinking will work. It can be combined with physical treatment to...
This article will focus on simple, safe and natural home remedies that can lower blood pressure. These home remedies not only lower blood pressure but also support and improve your overall health and well-being.Take NoteTwo to three cloves of garlic may be consumed twice daily. It lowers blood...
Raised blood pressure or hypertension since it is popularly identified as, is among the most dangerous physical difficulties than anyone can experience. The reason being, although it causes so much harm to your body, you might not even realize you own it until it really is too late.Home remedies There...
Sometimes the greatest truths seem too simple to be true. The most powerful solutions to our problems often have simple solutions, solutions that seem too good to believe at first glance. 4- If the label says anything about health, think about it. They aren't saying this because they have...
There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is caused by the immune system destroying beta cells in the pancreas. These cells produce insulin, and diabetes is when they cease to exist. Type 1 diabetes usually develops early in life and is often very severe. Type 1 diabetes...
You should be aware of the potential side effects of statins if you and your doctor have made an educated decision to start statin use. Merck, a pharmaceutical giant, has already applied to the Food and Drug Administration three times to allow lovaststatin to be sold over-the-counter without a...
Sometime headaches get healed within few hrs but sometimes it take times to heal. For individuals who experience headache very often, the best feeling is ways to get gone it. They really end up plagued with Chronic Headaches and have to cope with it on a continuing basis. These...
A physician or chiropractor should evaluate any headaches. This would include a complete case history, blood lab tests, x-rays and possibly a CT scan or an MRI. There are many causes of headaches. It is important to identify the cause and determine the best course of action. Chronic headaches...