
Although I have lived for more years than I care to remember, I am grateful that they were all healthy years. This didn't happen because of my 'good genes' (I don’t), or because I was lucky enough to beat the odds (no such luck). It happened because I wanted...
A worrying trend is the rise in obesity and other serious health conditions. Our fast-paced lifestyles and fast food mentality have made us obese and stressed out. We need to ask ourselves, "What is the best way to live a longer, healthier life?" A healthy, balanced diet could help...
My father's favorite home remedy was to suggest that you stand on one side and gargle peanut butter. This is a great way to get a little laugh and then the questioner moves on to finding someone to answer the question or solve their problem. He won't do this...
Pink eye is a common infection that can resolve by itself in 7-10 days. It is contagious. It is also a sign that the person's immune systems are weak. There are many over-the-counter medications that can be used to treat it. There are many natural home remedies for pink...
There are natural methods to reach your beautiful glowing skin. You do not always have to invest money to check good and beautiful. You may use some natural options and home cures to make your skin layer look youthful and radiant. For example, you can have an all natural...
Pimples are a major problem for teenagers, adults, and adolescents. Although pimples can be temporary, they can cause serious skin problems. It is not something to be concerned about. They can be found on the forehead, cheeks, nose, forehead, and eyes. It is simply an inflammation of the skin.Home...
Sunburn is caused by skin becoming parched or burned by ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Sunburn is caused by excessive sun exposure. Excessive sun exposure renders the skin's protective pigment, melanin, ineffective at protecting it. This can lead to severe skin damage. These burns can also be caused by...
Sunburns can be very painful if you have ever had one. People can experience red, hot skin as well as nausea, dehydration and blistering. You can avoid this by using sunscreen and staying out of direct sunlight for longer periods of time. If you do end up getting sunburned...
Constipation can be treated and managed with a few key points. This condition is often caused by poor diet and a bad lifestyle. Constipation can be caused by a diet high in red meat and processed foods, as well as a sedentary lifestyle. Constipation and chronic indigestion can also...
A wart is a benign skin tumor. It is a simple, non-cancerous type of abnormal skin growth. A wart is a small bumpy lesion on the skin that has become hardened. Warts can appear in many places, including the feet, hands, genitals and face. Human Papilloma Virus, or HPV,...