
The danger of joint problems lies in their ability to significantly affect a person’s quality of life. Musculoskeletal diseases, including joint disorders, are a major cause of disability worldwide. These problems can limit mobility, cause chronic pain, and have a negative impact on a person’s ability to perform daily...
Joint pain is caused by many factors. You can recognize if you need treatment by the symptoms that begin to bother you. Among the indications for use, experts include:Gout, the presence of inflammatory processes; The development of infectious diseases, including Reiter's disease; Inflammatory processes such as bursitis, arthritis,...
The expression "The Golden Years" is familiar to many. However, for too many, it can be tarnished. As we age, even the most basic tasks become more difficult. It can be difficult to put on your shoes and socks or change into your pants. It can be difficult to...
There are many reasons why you might get headaches after doing exercise. Here are some of the most common causes and what you can do about them. Dehydration, over heating, poor sleep conditions and improper exercise movements are some of the most common causes of headaches after exercising. Let's...
My husband has been suffering from severe headaches during intercourse for the past few months. This is at the point where climax occurs. My GP cannot prescribe beta-blockers. This could have the side effect of making my husband unable to erection. Please, can you please help? Your husband is...
Probably the most commonly treated problems inside our office is headache. Joint discomfort and nerve compression. Because the fascia tightens, it could compress muscles, nerves, arteries, joints, organs and tissue. The restrictions shorten as time passes, because of poor postures, inflammatory processes, medical scarring, trauma etc.Neck Pain These limitations tighten...
These two conditions are often discussed in medical debates and newspaper articles. These conditions are not the same, and confusion makes it difficult to recognize or treat them. Age - The Midlife Crisis is usually limited to 35-45 years old, while the Male Menopause is typically 45-55 years of...
Peyronies disease is a shock to any man who gets it. Peyronies Disease usually strikes in the middle and later years of a man's life. Peyronies Disease can be very frightening and traumatic for men. Your erections begin to bend uncontrollably. The erections become more and more painful until...
You are experiencing severe headaches. These headaches can last for several hours and recur several times per month. It is possible that you have migraine headaches. But how can you be sure? This article will explain the symptoms and signs of migraine headaches. A word of caution. It is...